Bobo Chimpan

I was completely clueless, "why the heck are we watching this guy? have we met him before?" The dawning realization while he was talking to his grandfather was pretty fun, though, so I was retroactively glad for my slow uptake.

It IS a pretty old fashioned notion… and the show is set more than three decades ago. These aren't Gen Y kids, their parents aren't grown-up Boomers, that stuff was still very much in the air in the early '80s

I did NOT get a note of triumph from that last scene. As well as I know this show, I felt a gathering sense of doom, waiting for the hammer to fall once again. Something terrible happened the moment Richard hit that mouse button, and now we have to wait a week to see what.

So needy!

"CSI theme song"

This is your mom, spambot… you are not my spawn

I was thinking the same think watching Scott wipe down that Adrian Tomine poster. NO TARP!?

Everybody looks so much younger! Not just the kids— Stan, Gaad, all of them!

I'm so glad to learn I'm not the only dumbass doing this. I've had to give up Twitter and Facebook and I've still had random stupid shit spoiled. How you doin'?

"…with four FBI surveillance teams watching"

What Timex Is It!?

The same side of trying to rig the Hugo's?

Xopowo/Hiroshima… there's a bilingual pun Nabokov never got the chance to use!

I think it might be more that if Oleg is betraying Tanya's trust in such a way (and such a way that could potentially screw up her promotion, mind), then he's not as committed to the relationship as she maybe hoped.

Last week, I wondered about Stan telling Oleg that people were pressuring him to blackmail him and he didn't want to, so goodbye… was that him actually giving up on Oleg as a source, or was that a more subtle and sophisticated cultivation? (Especially after we saw how the Russians' hamfisted attempt on Gaad backfired

Penultimate is the word! Setup for the finale, which promises to be a friggin' ride and a half…

You've met my mom!?

First Lana Kane now Daria… Jared gets all the animated foxes!

Did anybody else notice how weird and awkward his post-coital chatting with the "gorgeous gazelle" was? Like, not just on his part. She was every bit as soft-spoken and odd. I got the sense that Jared's success comes from knowing just the type of pretty bird his particular plumage attracts, and knowing where to find

There was a moment in this episode where Jared's face was at an angle where he looked uncannily like Odo from DS9. So possibly he's a shapeshifter from a wormhole or something?