Bobo Chimpan

Almost as funny as you being too moronic to understand a completely self-evident metaphor

Upvoted for the (downright strange and unsettling) image of Lana Kane banging Jared (to make Archer jealous, obvs)

I thought it was hilarious— he went through all that effort to make sure Elizabet wasn't unattractive, never realizing that it might backfire on him. If he weren't so shallow, her shallowness would never have become an issue. Too much karma going on to feel too bad for the guy.

I also didn't mind the slightness of the episode, number one because it was friggin' hilarious, number two because Winnie was adorable and awesome, number three because I get the feeling the show is just taking a little breather in prep for the mad sprint to the end…

Agreed. And not the only Russ callback of the night— note the brand of tequila they were sneaking into the virgin margarita in the first scene

That's once more than I ever did…

I totally buy Felix forgetting to tell Cosima with everything else going on… probably because I'm a complete scatterbrained motherfucker and that's exactly the kind of holy-shit-important thing I would flake on until something reminded me.

Rachel had her Batou moment: "You hacked my eyes! You bastards hacked my eyes!"

Super boo. Shay was great.

I had to go look it up… Sparks was the guy I thought he looked like

This IS the AVClub comments, so I'm just going to assume knowing irony there…

Wasn't fire-extinguisher guy a Sealab refugee? Or am I misremembering? It's been forever…

[muted trombone sounds continue] Also, fuck Shakespeare! Limey bastard stole all his stories! Geddy Lee is the far superior poet, clearly



Ellsworth Toohey… isn't he a character in an Ayn Rand novel? Then you go and quote Rush? (Geddy Lee should sue you, you uncreative little non-fountain spud!) My mind filtered out everything else you wrote like [muted trombone sounds here]


Bruce Springsteen, he's a guitar player of some small renown

I lived in DC for nine years, and I've never met anyone from Baltimore who didn't know who H.L. Mencken was. He's a damn hero in that town. It'd be like meeting someone from New Jersey who'd never heard of Springsteen.

Exactly this. I think that ALIE doing evil out of "perverse instantiation" of her programming (which was meant to do good) makes her a far more interesting character than a full-on mustache twirling villain would be. She really was trying to save the human race, she just went about it in a fucked up way.