Bobo Chimpan

"She's been doing that for an hour"

thank you for that. Thank you.

I mean… watching Oliver do the salmon ladder I'm always super impressed with his athletic skill and able to admire the aesthetic qualities of his chiseled physique…

We need to convince the Archmage to start watching this show so we can ask him

we don't talk about Tony

entirely unreasonably gorgeous couple

I cringed and hid my eyes. I was surprised Cosima didn't recoil, especially since I get the sense that if she had the other doctors would not have found it at all odd or suspicious…

I noticed that the actress who plays Krystal seems to have spent a lot more time hitting the gym than the actresses who play the other clones. I mean, Allison stays trim with her exercise tapes, but Krystal looks really bulked out and…

you really think Kane and Indra are dead? If so, I'd be willing to make a substantial wager with you… I say they're trapped under some explosion rubble and get a chance for some tense dialogue next week.

no shouting from me, just a muttered "huh?"

Part of ALIE's programming prevents her (or her minions) from force-feeding people the chips. They have to agree and take them by choice, even if that choice is coerced.

The jumpsuit and the karate were the cake.

Krieger was MVP this episode, as great as Pam was. That jumpsuit plus the karate moves almost killed me

Upvoted for Watchmen reference

I'm pretty sure they only showed it once. Because I wasn't allowed to watch it, and I was always curious, but I never got the chance.

I was thinking the same thing. I can come here and talk with other people who are watching "The Americans," but I can't assume that anybody I know is watching it… and even if they are, are they caught up?

I used to live in Edgewood! Or maybe Eckington. Nobody seemed to agree on which was which…

I think the driving lessons just knocked Henry's flashcards off the top of my list of favorite Phillip-teasing-his-kids moments

It would seem that blackmail was the plan, and successful blackmail hinges on Young-Hee never finding out…

HA! See, I learned to drive on a car with an automatic transmission, THEN I learned to drive stick. That's the way to do it! And learn to drive stick in an abandoned parking lot. And prepare to get jounced around by many a popped clutch.