Bobo Chimpan

I learned to drive in an a-Adams School of Driving car. Don't remember what kind, but it had a passenger-side brake pedal for the teacher in case I went nuts.

Yeah, so I'm super late to this party… but I spent the last few episodes racking my brainmeats trying to figure out why the D.A. looked SO! FAMILIAR! I knew I recognized him from something else. And I knew that when I finally figured it out I'd be kicking myself for not figuring it out earlier.

We don't?

hmmmm… Summer Glau as a drag king…

It was a nice subtle joke, but it was prominent enough that most people would catch it on first viewing…

Exactly! Jared's poorly timed and over-the-top chainrazz was what distracted Richard enough to trip over the hose! I feel like that was missed, or at least undersold, in the review…

And then Jian Yang stole his pizza and… did something nasty to wake him up. I'm quite enjoying the progression of Ehrlich and his relationship from barely-concealed to open hostility

The reviewer would have liked to see more buildup…

She was being sent THROUGH the Polaris shuttle up into the remains of the Ark

I'm in the "actors researching a role" camp

Oh no, there was definitely a "hey, I'm not in this shot, but I'm right around the corner!" hail from mailbot to his fans while Gaad awaited his elevator ride of doomy doom

Struck me as more extreme dissociated than badass…

I love that she was removed as P&E's handler because they never trusted her… but she's still basically running them from behind the scenes

Forgot for a split second that you weren't watching "Homeland"?

Totally! Same brogrammers since the very first episode.

Richard doesn't even get a bio…

Do any of the Nucleus brogrammers have names that we even know?

Except he didn't place any emphasis on profit and returns. His emphasis was on stock price. If he can make the company look good to investors, it doesn't have to be a success in either technological or financial terms. I think he's gonna pull a Fiorina of actually ruining the company to raise stock value, because

Jian-Ying… my sense is that he realizes that people (especially Erich) underestimate his intelligence because he doesn't speak English well. I think he resents it, and gets his revenge by playing as dumb as he's treated.