Bobo Chimpan

Oh sweet Jah, the horse porn. The robo-monkey jacking off was hilarious to me, but the horse porn was just too much. Could not watch, and apparently I missed a few subtle visual jokes but… oof

no microchips, but microfilm, microdots… plenty of micro stuff

Really? I was totally expecting the oil rig from the moment the frogmen showed up— it's the only location in the opening credits we haven't seen yet.

It took me the longest time to realize that horz divours were the same thing as or-durvs… like I thought there was a word pronounced fack-aid that meant more or less the same thing as facade.

wow, deeeeeeeeeeep cut

masochistic, please

Was anyone else puzzled by the agent in Clark's apartment melting the ice? It wasn't until thinking back on it just now (reading the review) that the lightbulb went on: all the FBI agents were shown searching possible hiding places— behind the outlet plate, inside the tampons… frozen in ice! Melting the ice in the

you mean they cut a hole in the sheet?

Yeah, that was my take too…

would require very short legs… or a very long schlong

A friend of mine made this and it went mildly viral:

I noticed that, definitely thought it was intentional— a way to keep the audience destabilized and really bring the past into the present

I thought that was Lana? And yeah, so great that she didn't even need to say the whole line

Ohhhhhhhhh, Henry…

oooooof! When you find somebody creepy, nothing makes them seem creepier than them trying to be nice. The nicer they try to be, the creepier they get!

Comparing feminists to the KKK, from what I read…

Yeah, I saw that look I was more worried for Philip than Martha

That's a distinction that always confused me a bit… probably because I never really thought much about it. That clears a lot of little nagging confusions up that I never noticed until they were gone.

This quote in particular:

That crisp crunch isn't the bacon, it's snapping bones!