Bobo Chimpan

I'm trying really hard not to be glad that Monty's mom is dead. Really really hard. It's just not happening.

Even KNOWING it's the same actress, I still can't see it.

Was I the only one who spent the episode wondering if the whole season was going to be a flashback? The only downside I saw was how increasingly difficult it would be to incorporate Felix as the season went on without screwing continuity or just having him as "comic relief once-again-arrested" Felix.

As the reviewer noted, he's still in the opening credits…

"the ultra-reclusive […] MK."

Mmmmmm, Alison aerobics…

I am a massive Pavi shipper, so I actually hit pause for a little victory dance when Liv and Major walked in on them. It made the later bit all the worse, though. First Clive, then Ravi, then (most brutally of all) Liv herself. Way too much heartbreak for two hours… and I loved it.

Thomas Pynchon wrote that the test for maturity in writing is how it deals with death. I was reminded of this watching the last episode of "The Americans," which…

On a second viewing I noticed two things about the kick:

Invasion of the Body Snatchers vibe in full effect… it had me thinking of the Rick and Morty episode where they run into the collective entity Rick used to date (and Patton Oswalt's nerdy Borg analogue trying to hit on her)

That whole scene was like a Bach fugue of nested callbacks. I feel like I have to go back and re-watch it… did they even use the "rule of three" with the kicks? The short lawyer tried to kick Archer twice, then Lana succeeded? For whatever reason it was much funnier than a simple groin-kick should have been…

I could hardly hear Paige's conversation during the opening over the sound of her future therapist yelling "CHA-CHING! BILLY'S COLLEGE TUITION IS PAAAAAAAAID!"

"Sentence to be carried out shortly" had me chuckle in the pitchest-black way

I've been seeing ads for this and wondering if it had anything to do with Brubaker's stories. I figure if his Criminal were being made into a movie I'd've known about it before now… but yeah, more relief than anything else

Doing away with one enemy and turning another one into an ally? That hardly seems like the Rob Thomas way. Things will only get worse, y'askme…

That was such a great moment. Blaine walks down to the basement, interrupting a hootenanny. My brain balks. What!? That makes no sense! My brain catches up to the writing… ohhhh, it makes perfect sense and it's glorious!

enh, she doesn't pull it off like Liv does. Redhead Rita is best Rita. Redhead Rita in green dress is best best Rita.

"I think I'm the only doctor he remembers" was actually my favorite Ravi line tonight. Not his funniest by a long shot, but just entirely perfect for that moment.

I guess it's hard to tell Elizabeth genuine friendship from working a target friendship. I really thought it was the latter with Lisa— that she was helping her get away from her no-good husband in order to get more information out of her. She was being a good friend incidentally, and I never saw her motives as

I was thinking about the whole Pastor Tim's wife thing today, and it got me thinking about how carefully held secrets get leaked. You find out a terrible secret, and you swear yourself to silence… but it eats you up, and you decide it's OK to tell the one person in the world you trust implicitly to tell NOBODY. That