Bobo Chimpan

You don't all have to look like Martians! In a few short scenes Yung Hee(/Young-hee/however it's transliterated) has become one of my favorite characters. What a masterful combination of writing and acting!

So gratifying to come here and learn I'm not the only one who already adores Young-hee!

Have we seen Elizabeth make friends with a target before? She even remarked herself how much fun she had, and how unusual that was. I always get the sense that Philip is always more emotionally vulnerable with his assignments, where Elizabeth is all business (interesting how that seemed reversed in the meeting with

ahh, I'm posting this in the wrong thread… shoulda looked two inches down (past the magic loogie spam)

I was actually yelling "spit in his mouth! spit in his mouth!" at the screen, which I suppose makes me a terrible person?

It's not -technically- legal, sure, but what happens in my secret basement workshop stays in my secret basement workshop

And you have to make gun-cocking sounds every time somebody breathes on a gun, and latch-sounding noises when someone closes a door without a handle… feh

That is also how it works in Rhode Island: Topless only and booze, or full nude and dry

I think it could be fun to see Blaine with semi-permanent philanthropist brain… for a little while. I would be disappointed (and surprised) if the good ol' bad ol' Blaine we know and love (to hate) never came back

The other Washington (District of Columbia, yo) allows alcohol, but not lap dancing

…or loaded in the back seat of your car with your toddler

There was plenty of fan service in this episode, yes

Rahul Kohli, who has a very entertaining Twitter. He live-tweets every episode.


Remember those exciting fighting scenes?


Depressing as hell, yeah. It was recorded for an AIDS benefit, which gave a new and disturbing meaning to "tainted love"

Oh, you jumped too. I feel like less of a wimp now.

I was kinda hoping Stan would drop a, "Hey, just man to man— a little goes a long way."

Here, have a superior version: