Bobo Chimpan

My dad's a fiscal conservative who could give half a shit about the culture wars so long as his taxes stay low. So, no. Now ask about my mother so I can Roy Batty you.

sorry to step on yr toes there

Nurse, some drug addict has replaced my cocaine with SaniFlush!

Yeah, she put on that wig and I immediately thought "Vivian!"

It seemed like the brains worked faster this episode than most… like usually there's a sense of some time having passed, some digestion having occurred, but this week Liv was immediately spouting science talk. Blaine had hardly swallowed his philanthropist brain before he became munificent.

Rita's pretty pale to begin with… and is that shade of red natural anyway? I suspect little will actually have to change in her cosmetic regimen

Oh, I did not!

Rob Thomas is a brilliant writer, both of twisty narratives and witty dialogue

I loved the Tears for Fears elevator music! Also, lyrically appropriate for the location

Rose McIver in scientist drag was giving me pleasant Vivian Scully flashbacks. Maybe next time she can go undercover at a hospital as a candy striper.

ohhhhhhhhhhh shi— that hadn't even occurred to me!

I half expected an "OK, you're an Uber" response… but I guess that kind of hackery is beneath our Rav

I'm wondering if Rita going over to the other side will lead to a softening of Vaughan's attitude about zombies being just an unfortunate side effect to be removed… in typical right-wing asshole "I hated all the gays until my son came out of the closet, now I'm all for his— I mean THEIR —right to marry" fashion

I was about to agree in a way that I suppose could be considered a spoiler, though a spoiler that's all over every preview. Like saying Spider-Man's going to be in Civil War, or that Wonder Woman's going to be in that horrible-looking thing. But I'll just agree. Top notch casting, especially the perfectly-cast lady I

Just give 'im a chance to do a hip hop dance!


He got a fucking job for Christmas!

It was an accidental season finale— never intended to be a season finale or wrap anything up in any satisfying way. So I think judging it by the same standards is a bit unfair. And yeah, as an episode it was pretty good.

I think it's what he's always secretly wanted, but been ashamed to admit to himself. Deep in his heart of hearts, he's always wanted to eat butts, but been ashamed of the urge. Being trapped in that situation allowed him to project that desire onto an all-powerful Other, absolve himself of the responsibility for

He thought it was an ocelot!