Bobo Chimpan

Yeah, I thought the whole point of shorter seasons was that they'd be coming more frequently…

I'd never heard of EST, and I've been to events that are obviously descended from it (not Landmark, which I've avoided, but a smaller one called Aletheia)

How central it was to not only the Jennings' plot, but, as it turned out, the Rezidentura plot as well, I definitely got the sense that season 4 is gonna be the "biowar" season

It was replaced by "Differently Gened"

When the Monarch and Gary were scoping out the spider guy. He was coming out of her bar, and you could see her in the background serving drinks, her face covered in band-aids…

Venture Bros. seasons are turning into season four Angel episodes!

I wore it a few weeks ago!

But this episode confirmed that Battleaxe survived! That means there's a small tiny infinitesimal but still existent chance that Think Tank survived too!

An entire episode set in Arkadia and it DIDN'T SUCK! I was expecting it to be like having to eat my broccoli as a kid… so I thought it was great. Hooray for lowered expectations!

I feel for Monty… thinking he lost his mom, then being reunited with her only to discover that she's a HORRIBLE FASCIST COW!

Back on Battlestar Galact— I MEAN THE ARK! we would've floated you for treason…

Glad to know that's not just me! I can never remember names until I see them written down… guess that means I'm more of a visual learner? Anyway, that might be my main reason for reading reviews— helping me figure out all the dang names flying around!

An unceremonious death like being run down by a rover? Kane should've downshifted and hit the accelerator, not the dang brake!

How about boobs wearing groucho glasses?

Mess with the frog…

hm, can't find it… coulda sworn they did, but my memory could just be making it up

You are SO missing out. I'd berate you and call you names, but missing iZombie is its own punishment


All the inventions getting carried off was stuff from the first few seasons. They didn't steal JJ's lab stuff, they went for Doc's oldschool lab stuff.

That you handled it like a boss is inspiring… though I hope not a trigger for your current (current 11 hours ago) drunkenness