Bobo Chimpan

One does not simply GET OVER Dr. Mrs. The Monarch

I'm really hoping Hammer and Publick make the faux-Velvet Underground songs playing in the background available, like they did earlier with the faux-Zep and 80's training montage song…

Oh, I meant to go back and freeze-frame that graffito. Thank you for saving me the time!

YES! I recognized that line, but couldn't place it

Confirmed by Hatred, right before he got tranq'd by Eenie Meanie: "Aw jeez, again? We just got the floor fixed!"

I watch it time-shifted a FEW HOURS and came here literally to remind myself the episode number so I could track it down…

A siege is different from a policy of containment. A siege is if you want to fight your enemy, but they're locked safely away in a castle. You lay siege to the castle until they starve or come out and fight. A containment policy is a different animal, as it has different goals: you DON'T want to fight the people, you

OK, not to speak ill of the recently deceased, but Lexa's "containment" plan is self-defeating bollocks.

I think that Lexa's chip is something completely different and separate from ALIE's City of Light chips. For one thing, if they were all hooked up, wouldn't ALIE be able to access it? Or at least be aware of it?

I liked her SO much better as Becca… found her more attractive as well. Like, ALIE I find actively UNattractive, so seeing the same actress play another character and be so appealing was a revelation.

Pike's head on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price? You would look up into his lifeless eyes and wave, like this?

I mean seriously, as soon as Clarke came to say goodbye and Lexa came out with her hair looking THAT GOOD, I knew she was a goner. The final night of love was just turning the screws THAT much tighter.

My jaw would've probably hit the floor too if THE TITLE OF THIS REVIEW HADN'T BEEN A FUCKING SPOILER! As it was, I spent the entire episode waiting to see who was going to die. It wasn't much of a shock, since it was either Lexa or Murphy.

Season one is well worth watching. Season two, in which D'arcy appears…

I also felt for poor Giuseppe— after making a deal with the Devil (Howard Stark is the Devil?) to bring back his Angel… even her crazed rantings are for the man who betrayed her before she murdered him

The way he FLEW out of the door! And, as Oliver mentioned, the way he held his hands up, with his shoulders pressed into his ears and his wrists cocked at that crazy rigid angle, fingers all pressed together. D'Arcy is such a physical actor, which I noticed when I realized Jarvis was played by the same actor as the

I found his death plenty shocking and upsetting. I figured whoever was knocking on his door was bad news, but it still took me by surprise. I just want another season to find out what that key opens.

Unfortunately, they kept that slapstick vibe for the climax: instead of building tension, Daniel floating upside-down and four people pulling on an electrical cable looked like something out of a silent one-reeler starring Keaton or Chaplin

The 7-iron line was the one that had me cackling…

That was my take: the GCI provides services for villains. Period. Full stop. Watch and Ward giving Doc the card and (rigged?) pen was them fucking with him from the start.