Bobo Chimpan

Maybe born into it… or maybe learning from the example of Brock motherf***ing Sampson over several life-cycles

yeah, totally bulletproof glass. And comic-book bulletproof glass, to boot. The purse gun didn't do any worse than a tommy-gun probably would've.

She was young and impressionable, with hair like Saffron from Republica, when Phantom Limb swept her up into the life…

I see this going in the direction of Dr. Mrs. finagling arching rights to Dr. Venture from Wide Wale… would The Monarch be happy or upset about that?

But several more are things that the strip-club bartender called him… so by your logic…!?

three more? oh good… for some reason I thought there was only one more…


I much preferred her reaction to Think Tank "messing with MY MAN!"

Who stole my juicebox?

I think backgammon would be more common than Parcheesi, actually. You could also use it for acey-ducey!

So it can't be long before Doc starts renting the space out…

Last week's show… I watched the whole thing thinking "this is all funny in theory, but none of it is making me laugh." This week made up for it.

'sOK, I almost posted it too… such a great bit!

I had to rewind three times before I understood Dragoon and Red Mantle's simultaneous "Ghost Ninja!/Time-Tunnel!"

Oh, I missed that!

I have to wonder whether the story of the thirteenth station getting blown out of the sky is some kind of parallel/foreshadowing for what will happen to the thirteenth tribe: skaikru


which is exactly what I was expecting to happen when they got to the shallow grave… honestly, the question in my mind was more "would they really kill off Mr. Boss!?" than "would they really kill Blaine!?"

Two very true statements!

Yes! The moment the air conditioner hit the owner. The dark/light balance was SO Pushing Daisies