Bobo Chimpan

Man, I don't get how people can read the guest star names in the opening credits… I'm always too distracted by the plot exposition going on…

Fin. As in finish. Also a body part on a fish. <cue groan="">

Yeah, this is where I disagree with the reviewer heartily. I LOVE that we currently have no idea where Drake stands on the morality scale. I say to Thomas and Co.: keep me guessing!

I had to hit the pause button and do a little victory dance for that one. The best part was Ravi's steadfast denial of noticing anything of the sort.

So many references there… I get a feeling I could go back and rewatch that speech and catch a half-dozen more I missed because I was laughing too hard at the ones I DID catch.

I was wondering the same thing, especially with the "Fin" tag at the end…

The meals often comment on the brain in ways that Liv couldn't realize before eating them. It's the writers being clever, not her.

Exactly what I was thinking!

Ever since rewatching season 4 with the commentary I've thought the same thing. So many episodes that they had to split in half because they didn't have enough time… why not have half as many double-length episodes? Glad I'm not alone in that

I'd never seen that last video before… thanks for that.

I love Teles on "The Affair" BECAUSE I've seen her be the charming protagonist. To do that proves she has charisma. To turn around and play Whitney shows that she has range and talent

I'm sitting here laughing my ass off remembering the internet remix

Gillan is so charming that she -almost- pulled that role off.

I was gonna mention "The Affiar," but Whitney and Noah are no longer on speaking terms… she could potentially be written out of the show for a season or four while she's off at college

I was totally expecting that to happen too… the reason it didn't? Because proto-Madam-Masque vs. proto-Hydra is a much more interesting plotline going forward

I had my all-too-common experience of thinking an actor looked familiar from something and checking their IMDB only to discover I'd never seen anything else that they were in.

Did the wardrobe department screw up, or is the color off on my screen? Leland Palmer made some kind of quip about redheads, but that wig did not look red to me… auburn at most.

"You said you wanted a fresh start, you didn't say you were running away from something!"

Going back to the Joss Whedon well… on the commentary track for "Serenity" he's talking about casting a comic actor in a small dramatic role. Something like: "Comedy is much harder than drama, so if an actor can do comedy they can switch to drama without much problem."

He was on the phone to his definitely-not-proto-Hydra pals, calling a meeting. He didn't care if it violated protocol, there was something they needed to know about!