Bobo Chimpan

"It isn't very cherry, it's an oldie but a goodie"

I really liked Dennings in the Thor movies… her character could have been SO grating, but she's actually one of the better things about the first one. Which is possibly why they featured her more (to the point of TOO MUCH) in the second one.

That and comedically undercutting the "hero shot"… I had to remind myself that Joss is tangentially related to the OTHER "Marvel's Agent(s)" show

I felt like such an idiot for not noticing that! I was even thinking "oh, Baracus… they'll probably do an A-Team pun" and missed that they already had!

If Vaughan were some kind of zombie, Major would be able to tell. That said, zombie-like side effects from too much Max Rager aren't out of the question…

Isn't the new-school Utopium too recent a development for that to be Scott E in the vision though?

Oof, oh yeah. As soon as the sound of the car door closing my brain started spinning on "would they really?"

I disagree with the reviewer about that being Don E's dead brother in Liv's vision. The utopium in the flashback was the brand new super-pure stuff with the big "U" logo on it (anybody help me out with what they were calling it?), which was not around when the brother was still alive.

As opposed to Mr. Boss, who revealed himself as a true philistine last night…

Wow, I did NOT make that connection until you pointed it out…

we can't just name him, he's not our pet pirate!

I was momentarily terrified for the Pirate… it wasn't until a bit later we learned it wasn't loaded

I don't know if I fully 'got' that band before I saw them live. Everything about their stage presentation, from the clothes they wore to how they interacted while playing, was designed to obliterate any ability the audience might have to enjoy the performance as "a band playing rock music"

the actor was fired over some controversial Twittering…

Farm station == tailers

Appropriate that Kane got marked…

It took me a shocked moment before I went "…ohhhhhh, she said FLOAT!"

The monitor on the desk said it was a self-destruct. Right there in red capital letters

I guess Sinclair is filling the Wick-void… though I certainly hope only as Raven's foil and not… [shudder]

Yeah… I thought the good ship Clexa had decidedly sailed, but her I am right back on board