Bobo Chimpan

If they'd only shown a shot over Babineaux's shoulder to reveal there was no pet grooming place there, it would've been a lot clearer… but doing that reveal would probably have required resetting all the cameras and lighting for just one shot, and I can imagine they didn't have the time/budget

It was all a misdirect… like at the end of "Silence of the Lambs" when it shows the SWAT team ringing a doorbell, then cuts to inside Buffalo Bill's house with the bell ringing… but then he answers the door and it turns out that the two things weren't connected. It was Clarice ringing his doorbell and the SWAT team

he didn't know, that's what dramatic irony is— when the audience knows something the character doesn't

And what nobody's mentioned! (unless somebody does further down, and I'm not gonna read the whole thread just so I can post something, dangit)

Epic level trolling. Congratulations, sir!

I was watching that whole scene thinking to myself, "OK, something has to happen to interrupt this before they get to the 'just one fuck' line, what's it gonna be?"

That confirms that J-bot is dead… and that HELPeR makes the WORST breakfasts imaginable!

That was the guy who shot him… it was a revenge kill, not a harvest. I doubt they'd want to feed that to their clients, might cause bad flashbacks

The meal/case connection seems to be a season 2 thing, unless I just missed it in season 1…

sadhu sadhu sadhu

Yes! Glad to learn I wasn't alone in that

It was odd how the main case, that we usually get before the credits, didn't show up until ten minutes in… kinda threw the rhythm of the whole episode off. Not in a way I minded, though. I didn't find it "choppy" the way the reviewer did… not at all.

For the tax credits…

You gotta work on your good news

Dale was looking especially good in that scene, too. Babineaux you lucky dog!

So great! I've started following Rahul Kohli on Twitter, and he is almost as charming as the character he plays

You say they went too meta, the reviewer says they didn't go meta enough…
