Bobo Chimpan


ah well… knew it was a longshot

Evasive Backflip I've seen (opening for Haki at the Hideout) and really dug. It's good to know that the kids are still weird.

A band I really want to see, entirely due to the name, but keep missing for one reason or another…

Just like Fargo!

The terror plot was wrapped up so quickly (eight minutes! I checked!) I'm almost surprised they didn't wrap it up last week, then have an entire episode for all the other stuff they rushed through.

And apparently she swings back the other way again— in the future scenes she's back in Manhattan and looking like she's adapted to it quite fully

I was expecting something similar, yes…

It was discussed at length in last week's comment section… I didn't see it until then, but now I can't see anything else

I'm trying to remember season one… is it possible that the office Mike ended up in was the same office that Malvo rampaged through, murdering everyone? Or was that in a different city?

OK then

Get behind the mule…

and since he shaved, Qasim is even MORE middle-eastern Bighead

Exactly. I wondered about all the powder residue and fingerprints and everything else, but none of it had to hold up in the long run, just long enough to get her out of her immediate straits…

I see what you did there…

I always think about Jesus on the cross, crying out "Forgive them father, they know not what they do!"

I catch myself rooting for whichever character's on screen. Last night I had to actively remind myself that I -didn't- want Qasim and the Professor to succeed at fixing the remote trigger

It's progressing! Is that how Parkinson's starts?

That these were things going through all our heads points to a certain deficiency in the writing…

And the idea that the biggest existential threat to human civilization could be anything other than global warming is kinda ridiculous… buncha wackjob fundamentalists playing doomsday cult in the desert more dangerous than the very engine of our civilization cooking us?