Bobo Chimpan


Get Bill Gates to shut down the internet so alien city ruins can't use it!

or like the end of "Lady Vengeance," everyone gets a turn…

Yeah… I guess all those ancient ruined alien cities look alike?

shotgun-axe hand just to make Mac jealous!

That look he gave Fitz… I misinterpreted that to mean they'd BOTH been taken over by the evil whatsis until the coda

The whole superhero conceit was just so creaky and leaky and threatened to spill over into too much at every single moment… but somehow managed not to. Watching this episode was like watching a tightrope walker work without a net.

Because the radio squawked while he was trying to talk… IT INTERRUPTED HIM! and therefore had to be silenced.

I think it was Britt solo… if that's really a distinction

oh man, the time-stuttered split screen.

say goodnight Gracy!

Grimes is unapologetically pop, and pretty great

All the stuff that Millennials think they got it so hard about? We had all that too, but nobody cared or wrote thinkpieces about it.

You've got it all wrong. My thoughts and prayers go out to the young people, but I think those companions… you know how they are. They probably just brought it on themselves.

totally serious— except in Noah's case, the audience was his therapist. He's such a narcissist that he caught himself in an unguarded moment and made a quick, panicked check to make sure that he wasn't coming off wrong…

Best Nope in a comedy!

Less believable: Kevin surviving the gutshot, or a headlong-charging mob noticing and carefully stepping around a baby?

That second ep of High Castle shook me loose as well. Just terrible stuff.

Usually one of the big 22oz bottles… the good stuff, not malt liquor

Oh, 'phrasing' is an Archer reference… funny show! Checkit!