Bobo Chimpan

Exactly the term I was grasping for. Salut!

Like the review noted, this episode assured us that Carrie was plenty worried… off-screen. Retconned! Dar wasn't worried because he (thought he) knew where Quinn was. Saul wasn't worried because he didn't know enough to be, plus lots of distractions.

And the one moment when he looked at the camera, his eyes saying "how is my audience reacting to this story?"

I usually go to the grocery store next door to the therapist's office… try to remember what I need for the next week, buy some cheese and beer…

My mom has this whole long involved story about being in the midst of a nightmare cross-country move with a dog and a baby, stuck in Salt Lake City with no access to booze, car troubles, motel troubles, then me saying my first word, which was 'dada'…

In this episode he forgot the presence of his two youngest (from his previous marriage,) so his selective amnesia is spreading to his other children…

wrong in him being a hero, or wrong in him being an amoral philanderer?

When Cole gave the line about freeing himself from his toxic family I gave a literal round of applause.

The only vibe I got from Luisa is "you're the crazy bitch who broke my baby's heart, begone from my sight before I go loca and start stabbing" focused into laser beams shooting out of her eyes.

Wait… are you implying that Allison is going to go on to sleeping with Dar?

I noticed that… I also noticed that the line was spoken when we only saw the back of Allison's head. Pretty sure they went back and re-recorded her dialogue.

Was ANYBODY worried at any point that Quinn was actually dead?

A double agent is someone in one agency who is actually working for another.

The arrangement here is very reminiscent of "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy," where even when Smiley points out that there's obviously a mole, the higher-ups at the Circus dismiss it because they're getting good "quality" intel. Two agents are trading information, but which one is working the other?

Claire Danes has the hardest working chin in show business

Ah, OK. So there's a spin-off in the works, but it's not "Clara and Yshilda Gallivanting in a Time-Traveling Diner," it's more "SF Harry Potter at Coal Hill School"

soooo… it felt nothing like an RTD finale?

Is there actually a spinoff, or are we just pipe dreaming?

Damn you for putting that in my head!

At first I was distracted by Simpson looking like a cut-rate Steve Rogers… then I realized that was the whole point and I kinda started digging it