Bobo Chimpan

I'd forgotten that part of her costume was dyeing her hair purple… dang

Yeah, Trish got the Tony Soprano treatment…

I mean, ya can't really argue subjective response… that was how it felt to me, like I wasn't actually watching the show I'd been watching. Like a group of people who liked the show (and Whedon's oeuvre) but didn't really understand how they worked got to make a fan film using the real actors and sets. Maybe I have

See, when everybody was talking up how great this show was, I watched one and a half episodes and determined that the writers didn't have any idea how the world actually operated, inside a record label or out, and were just doing their best to imagine how a planet populated by humans MIGHT work… and failing…

Even agreeing with Sava that this episode mostly felt hollow, I thought De Caestecker's performance was brilliant.

Mack showed up in the first part to save Coulson's ass. He shot bad guys with a shotgun…

…except 300 was a terrible movie

I actually agree with Sava (for once) that all the plotting was pretty bland. A bunch of stuff happened… then more stuff happened… then even more stuff happened… but it was all just detatched and surreal feeling because the first scene was so paint-by-numbers Whedon that it felt like Ukrainian fan fiction.

ym: Gay sex for SOME, tiny American flags for the rest!

I was thinking of Buffy season 2 just recently, in regards to Jessica Jones… the way Angel tormenting Buffy was similar to Kilgrave tormenting JJ… except Buffy managed to weave it through the various monster-of-the-week stories without it taking over the whole thing…

I liked the cases-of-the-week in VM season 1 because they all were in one way or another a reflection of one of the overarching mysteries. So many of them turned out having a solution that could have been the actual identity of VM's mom, or the killer, or or or…

Possibly the greatest moment in an episode overflowing with great moments…


I was thinking more that Saul wanted her with enough evidence to get convicted at trial. Maybe the CIA won't buy het line, but a jury certainly could

dialog nothing— that thing he did with his eyes trying to imitate Babineaux's "o-face"!

My thought on Oliver's take: The people weren't all either genuinely mind-controlled by Kilgrave or making stuff up— there was at least one guy — the one who mentioned seeing "a meteor falli into the ocean" and then something come out — who was referring to events from an episode of "Agents of SHIELD"

Not so much wanting it to be more episodic, but I found myself really wishing that the show had made more time for more of Jessica's cases that didn't involve Kilgrave. Maybe earlier in the series before it got more serial-heavy. Plus side— it would've made a few of the "I ALMOST caught him but he got away again!"

There's also the continual theme of accountability. Various characters over the course of the show try to excuse their actions, saying they couldn't help what they did for one reason or another. Some of them (Kilgrave's victims) are obviously right in this, while others are clearly making excuses for terrible actions…

I'm with Oliver on this one— that scene didn't quite work for me