Bobo Chimpan

Oh, thank you for reminding me of Mr. "I love cock, yummy yummy yummy"!

Speaking of la Carre, I just started reading "The Little Drummer Girl," which is not so connected, though it deals with terrorist bombers and the first chapter is set in Germany.

Four could break glass with his voice…

on her mother's side?

Under pain of torture!

My working theory/headcanon is that Jessica's powers are muscular. The accident strengthened her muscles and joints/ligaments so she can hit harder and run faster and jump higher and land harder… but as we've seen, she isn't invulnerable like Luke. She can get cut up and bruised up. Her skeleton… maybe stronger? But

As a cyclist myself… gah! Those "I'M SAVING THE PLANET! I'M DOING THIS FOR ALL OF YOU!" guys really rub me the wrong way. As tempted as I am to say they're a caricature, I know they're out there. I've met the smug fucks.

I never saw "Transformers" or "Gone Girl" and she still looks incredibly familiar. This is going to keep bugging me…

The only "One"?

I'm trying (and so far succeeding) to stick to one episode per day. Unexpected lack of SHIELD and iZombie last night are making that tricky, but I'm sure I can find some other time sink today…

Alcoholism fucks with your liver. If your liver eventually shuts down, your kidneys take over until they fail because kidneys aren't supposed to do the work of a liver. Then you basically internally drown in your own urine. I had an uncle drank himself to death, it's an ugly way to go.

As I commented on the binge review, I feel like Jessica was the only one expecting that "KIL…" to end with "…GRAVE." [warning: recycled joke ahead] It's like she didn't watch enough Metallica videos

The actress, Rachael Taylor… she looks so familiar to me but when I looked her up she hasn't been in anything else I would've seen. This is starting to bug me more than it should… is there someone she strongly resembles I might be mistaking her for?

oh, that's a great observation. Now I want to go back and rewatch the scene with that in mind…

Did you watch Helen's POV this week where he came across as charming and wise? Or are you so convinced that he's a twat that you now watch him with twat-colored glasses whatever he does?

if it makes you feel better to think that, I won't deny it you

I don't care about dating her, I would be happy if just once in my life she said "Oh darling" to me.

The bit with Simone and Bear and whassisface from upstate NY in the parking lot… I was sitting watching that and this weird itchy feeling started coming over me and I just couldn't place it until I realized… I was BORED! I was bored watching Fargo, and I didn't think such a thing was possible.

The implication that Frank would sacrifice not only his own life, but that of his sister, niece and nephew to protect the girlfriend who left him without a word was some straight-up bullshit. It would have been forgivable if the show hadn't decided to sacrifice his family for dramatic effect. Just bleh. I was on the

This episode more than most I feel like everything in both perspectives happened, and each character just remembered some things and forgot others (especially with all the booze flowing— which was really the only directly contradictory thing)