Bobo Chimpan

Whitney shutting her mom up by taking pictures was endearing, but less so than Peyton shutting Ravi up with the blender…

Noah is always a colossal dick in his own rememberings. Everyone else remembers him as confident and charming and insightful, he remembers himself being a massive douche. If we can trust nothing else, Helen is right about him hating himself.

After last(?) week Whitney mentioning that she wasn't in the book, this week she wasn't in Noah's memories at all. No memory of seeing her, not even any memory of talking about her. What the hey's up with Noah's mnemonic blind-spot concerning his first-born?

God, both sides of that bar encounter were delightful. Just the twenty years of history and comfort between the two of them smoothing over the bad recent history and hurt feelings… it was great seeing the two of them actually having fun together. Had we ever even seen that before?

Internet points can't be exchanged for fedoras, only the other way 'round. Some kind of thermodynamics dealie…

Weird isn't the word I'd use. Annoying. Condescending. Crap.

I didn't mind the flashbacks until they were repeated during the hacking scene… does the show really think we're that dumb that we needed a reminder of something we saw maybe half an hour before?

"Why post something if you're not gonna like it?"

I envy you that unspoiled experience, because I was more concerned for the rugby team…

Thrown into the deep end? I literally just finished watching "Generation Kill" for the first time, and I'm still trying to figure out who all the characters were and who was in charge of what and whom. Not to mention the impenetrable jargon. Smart TV respects its audience's intelligence… sometimes even a bit too much.

As soon as he stuck it in his belly all I could think was, "Now there's a waste of a perfectly good circular saw!"

I don't like that headcanon, because it means Cool Lester Smooth died of cancer in New Orleans… nope nope nope, no sir, don't like it

REAL police work, building cases…

I think she was the only one expecting the "…grave." Clearly JJ hasn't watched enough Metallica videos

The reviewer stated continually that the documents were SVR documents.

Doctor-like pose? Did you miss -every- week of Sunday school?

"Now I'll never know if I was right!"

"Man in the High Castle" invented alternate-history SF. So if it seems a bit unimpressive, it is basically the rough draft of the genre

Ah, I knew she looked familiar from something! Wait… Gwen Raiden? (Quick Googling) Uh-huh. OK, there's that mental itch taken care of.

Those were the tweaked effects? I'd hate to see the originals… a good chunk of the beginning of the episode resembled a Pixar film!