Bobo Chimpan

A film also features prominently in "Radio Free Albemuth," though I'm not sure how relevant that is…

His icon IS a guy wearing a bowler… close enough to a fedora to set off warning bells

The TV show DOES stand on its own… it just includes *huge* TWS spoilers… which I didn't know, so I watched the show before the movie and I'm still kinda miffed about it

Yeah, apparently I was wayyyy behind the curve on that…

The way this episode took the three disparate plot strands of season three and wove them together almost effortlessly was little short of miraculous.

Oh, I'm so glad that wasn't just me…

AH! I was trying to figure that out!

And the showmanship is so much more important than the trick. I remember once watching a street magician doing tricks with a lit cigarette… I know just enough about sleight-of-hand and misdirection that I could always follow where the cig was (the fact that it was lit and therefore smoking made this extra easy)… but

It's so entirely plausible I'm almost ready to believe it… and still there's a part of me that refuses to believe Blaine would do -anything- where he's not playing the angles

During is playing the role of unconditional support for Carrie— no matter how crazy what she needs might seem, he provides it without hesitation. Then he tells Jonas that Carrie has shown herself to be unstable and they shouldn't renew her contract. There seems to be a contradiction.

Peyton is so great. And I don't just say that because we got a gratuitous sock shot this episode either…

It makes sense that Syd Wicked would be hated for revealing the tricks, the way that the magic community figured who the "masked magician" behind those magic-secrets-revealed Fox shows and shunned the guy…

Yeah, it makes sense that Peyton might be falling for Blaine. The other side of that has me intrigued, though:



It's been unambiguously stated that Scotty was killed after Cole's wedding

Oh man, as soon as Dodd dropped his prod there was no doubt what was going to happen next

I missed that! It seems that Simone is Elron's heir spiritually if not genetically…

she skimmed it in the agent's office. the question is whether she actually read the whole thing, like Noah wanted.

Back to "Barton Fink," there's also the scene where Fink shows up at his hotel room to find the two cops reading his screenplay. One says to the other "I thought this guy was supposed to be a writer?"