Bobo Chimpan

ach, of course *facepalm*

I have a longstanding disagreement with a friend over whether the title character of "Barton Fink" is supposed to be a good writer or not.

Whitney and Cole used the same trick to try and get out of multiple Thanksgiving dinners!

It was her cookbook in that she owned a copy of it. She didn't write it. Just wrote her name on the inside cover.

I don't think Joan -wrote- that cookbook. It was hers in that she owned a copy. Had her name scrawled in childish script "age 15" on the inside cover…

Did she lie earlier about not having read the book, or did she lie later at dinner when she said she had?

I always like Whitney. Even when she's terrible. Especially when she's terrible. HILARIOUS! Am I seriously the only one laughing my ass off whenever she says something loopy or despicable?

I can't believe Alison is setting up Jane with Max… so many different kinds of wrong…

This might just be me being anal… but it bugged me. Lots:

Upvoted for the last sentence, which has me giggling like a loon

I don't think she had a gun on her?

d'oh! Need to read entire thread before responding…

Considering next week's episode is literally titled "All About Allison," I suspect you may get your wish

Plenty of mentions. More than one comparison to Kim and the mountain lion

As soon as she sent the poor cabbie to knock on the door I knew he was dead. More blood on Carrie's hands…

OK… I'm entirely not clear on how During being Catholic even could be hinting at anything plot-wise. He's a secret member of the Swiss Guard?

makes sense as a Divine Comedy reference, though they could be trolling us with that

"The Mutants" doesn't fit that bill for you? It's been a while since I've seen it, but I remember it being about Earthling invaders oppressing a local population, and the Doctor showing up to help them liberate themselves. And a nice metaphor for England's colonial sins to boot.

See, this is where I have an issue with "Kill the Moon" types who are all "the science isn't SUPPOSED to be real!"

I thought there was an interesting political subtext that could be lost on most American viewers… who think of race in terms of black vs white, African vs European. In GB, the largest ethnic minorities are Asian— Indian and Pakistani especially.