Bobo Chimpan

GlaDOS' British cousin

You need to watch some third doctor episodes, then

Yeah, this entire ep was a mashup of Terror of the Vervoids with the first two Alien films, with the "found footage" concept and the nonsense twist ending tacked on

I'm a little disturbed with myself that before it even came up I was thinking "waaait, for that to be a perfect murder, he'd then have to go on to kill the wife/family/pet anyway to eliminate all witnesses…"

I was about to fall asleep last night when this exact question popped into my head and snapped me wide awake.

I hadn't the foggiest clue who he was, just that he was VERY dangerous and that he would definitely be a player going forward. That introduction was perfect. Masterful. I was totally expecting Peyton to run into Blaine in her office (that whole sequence was the most "horror movie" iZombie has ever felt to me) but then

For a moment I thought he had. I was amazed the show would go there.

There could be. There could also be a giant kaiju monster just off screen. So what? Like CineCraft pointed out, there's no reason for a depressive drug spiral if Major hadn't been killing people for a while. The simplest and most coherent explanation is that he only recently started freeze-popping instead of

Totally this. There were only three bodies in the freezer

Conclusion: Ian de Caestecker is the best and deserves to be in everything

SAM: You ever think that maybe we'd end up married?

As of this review, I'm convinced that Oliver Sava is trying a metatextual experiment wherein he tries to make our experience of his writing match his experience of the show.

They were mirror image— one had the white streak on the left side of his chin, the other had the white streak on the right side of his chin…

Is this going to mean more wardrobe trucks blocking the bike lane on Milwaukee?


Oh, so you're basing your judgment of an entire group of people on one person you knew once. Scientific!

Oh, I said season 2 when I meant season 1…

getting so much use out of this lately…


My mom is a registered Republican so that she can vote for the least offensive candidate in the primaries, kind of a Rawlsian Maximin philosophy