Bobo Chimpan

Like it matters if nobody notices you? We're all just gonna die.

It's a sad testament to the shift in American politics over the past four decades that Nixon's actual policy was to the left of Obama's. Even St. Ronnie would get called a Commie by the modern GOP.

I was so on pins and needles, given his cockiness, to see whether he'd skewer the buck or totally shoot wide… which was a perfect misdirect, as him getting his head blown off before he could loose arrow came totally out of the blue for me

I was so on pins and needles, given his cockiness, to see whether he'd skewer the buck or totally shoot wide… which was a perfect misdirect, as him getting his head blown off before he could loose arrow came totally out of the blue for me

I was so on pins and needles, given his cockiness, to see whether he'd skewer the buck or totally shoot wide… which was a perfect misdirect, as him getting his head blown off before he could loose arrow came totally out of the blue for me

I was so on pins and needles, given his cockiness, to see whether he'd skewer the buck or totally shoot wide… which was a perfect misdirect, as him getting his head blown off before he could loose arrow came totally out of the blue for me

I was so on pins and needles, given his cockiness, to see whether he'd skewer the buck or totally shoot wide… which was a perfect misdirect, as him getting his head blown off before he could loose arrow came totally out of the blue for me

I was so on pins and needles, given his cockiness, to see whether he'd skewer the buck or totally shoot wide… which was a perfect misdirect, as him getting his head blown off before he could loose arrow came totally out of the blue for me

I was so on pins and needles, given his cockiness, to see whether he'd skewer the buck or totally shoot wide… which was a perfect misdirect, as him getting his head blown off before he could loose arrow came totally out of the blue for me

The thumb/no thumb divide is a major bone of contention and plot point, yes?

The thumb/no thumb divide is a major bone of contention and plot point, yes?




Is it just me, or did Noreen seem older in the previous episodes? Until she got more lines, I was thinking she was post-college, early twenties.

We know that she doesn't survive until season 2. That leaves room for her to survive season 1 and die any time during the intervening decades

I was convinced he had killed both of them, then when one of them appeared with a bruised face I got all confused, like maybe the first scene was a flashforward? Am I lost in the timeline here?

It also reflected Reagan's half-assed recollection of his war films. Many a time the man would tell a stirring war story, only for people later to discover it was actually a movie plot he'd misremembered as having actually happened

It seemed to me that after a day of following the Gipper around and listening to his stump speech, Lou absorbed some of the fingers-on-a-chalkboard poetry of the old lunatic's oily rhetoric

They as much as explicitly said so in the episode, so yeah.