Bobo Chimpan

Many super super smart people are also on the autism spectrum, which means yelling at them "YOU SHOULD JUST LEARN SOCIAL SKILLS ALREADY!" is like telling someone in a wheelchair "GO ON AND LEARN TO WALK ALREADY!"

I hope for his sake that he wrote the first draft of IM2, and then it was set upon by an army of hacky script doctors… because HOO man aside from introducing ScarJo's Black Widow to the MCU that movie had NO reason to exist.

That's like hoping that Janice in accounting will suddenly start giving a fuck

…based on the first paragraph of this review, I get the feeling that unlike us Joshua's not watching "The Affair"

Those looks Kevin was shooting her while she was stealing the questionnaire… I kept asking him "You're only now realizing your girlfriend is a loon?"

Seeing Maura Tierney show up in an ER was a bit of cognitive dissonance, no?

I thought it was to give them the evidence— so they could use it, not destroy it. The blackmail interpretation, no matter how very very Oscar it would be, is off the mark.

OK, about the future scene. Was I alone in not interpreting that as blackmail? More "I have evidence you'll want to see, but I won't tell you what it is unless you pay me, because if I tell you you'll tell the cops and they can subpoena it." My take was that Oscar has exculpatory evidence he wants to sell, not damning

Such a tease that Alison was wearing a bando-bikini, so when she raised her arm above the water— no strap! Is she? Oh, nope… putting us right there with Noah. Hilarious stuff.

"The result isn't pretty" says the review… I disagree, the result was fucking gorgeous!

"You-statements are not acceptable"

Like there's ideal 100% mutual desire sex and then there's rape, with no daylight allowed between the two where people can be fallible human beings who are sometimes selfish and sometimes insensitive…

In a few more seasons, the future will be in black and white

I'm not even getting why so many people are saying 'it looked unpleasant.' Maybe it was a little uncomfortable, even frightening… sex being a primal activity that brings up all kinds of weird conflicting emotions. Scared sex can be pretty great fucking sex. Awkward dirty unexpected sex can be mind-blowing. The way

wait… rape? what?

I didn't notice until towards the end of the second one, at which point I started wondering if there hadn't been any cuts since Saul left the polygraph room (that was NOT James Urbaniak dammit! But he's on Review these days…). Nope, there were several cuts while he tried entering his password. I get how breaking up

They played here last week, and I missed it due to sinusitis. That's like the fifth YLT show in a row I've missed for one dumb reason or another!

No comments on two tracking shots of Saul walking around the office trying to get the documents? Rewatching, I noticed there was what looked like a hidden cut during the first one, but c'mon! That whole sequence was amazing.

I think his advice will be limited to "if you wanna fight, go to Syria where you won't kill any white people who aren't there on purpose"

makes perfect sense