Bobo Chimpan

He kept saying he needed to know because it could become important… but never explained why exactly

Bis! Forgot all about them! Saw them in Providence once… crazy packed show

No retcon, nope. That was just dumb all around

nonono, it clearly says "several L ties" which would answer all your questions if we only knew WTF an "L tie" was

boom! I knew there was something scratching the back of my brain about those names!

I loved it when Liv brought Major to coach the basketball team, because

Yeah, I missed that completely. Dumb me. Too busy making mental comparisons to Ant Man

ooh, good catch

Not everyone

Have you reached your limit?

The guy on "Whose Line" also is not the creator of Teen Wolf

Clive was ON this episode! Liv pitched him the Hearst (ha!) basketball loss, then he grabbed the bat (sniffed it) and wailed it out of the park!

I started getting suspicious when they didn't show the whole thing at the convenience store. Then I got more suspicious when they said "maybe he's on the inside… he must be ACTU!" without even momentarily considering he could be SHIELD. What really gave the game away was Werner saying "He's a monster!" and we're meant

No man would mole Saul

Yeah, I was disappointed Bobbi didn't turn that back in her face: I'm avoiding violence because I'm gunshy? How about you're turning to violence before it's necessary because you're pissed off?


gotta be a 45 12"

(and dip the cap in wax)

Deaths!? A self-help seminar with a body count!?

I can neither confirm nor deny an audible gasp here