Bobo Chimpan

It's just a bit too on the nose with what she read of the book later…

Possibly "eunuch" is the word you're looking for?

That was my take too, his whole "I'm doing everything EXACTLY the way I did it the day you woke up, nothing is different, what could be…?" then he realized that when she woke up there was no webcam running, maybe she wasn't waking up because the webcam was on? So slamming the laptop shut as quickly as he could.

Why do you ask? Just asking…

As much as I agree with that 100%, I think that what she found so upsetting wasn't the erection itself, but the boneheaded thing he said in an attempt to brush it off.

I'm not sure what to make of the implication that a "nice person" wouldn't get an erection… you realize that they're involuntary, right?

So I missed last week and don't feel like going back and reading the whole comments thread…

Even within the world of the show, the documents aren't putting people's lives in danger. At least the actual release of the content of the documents aren't the cause of the death and danger— it's the Russians desperately trying to keep the documents from coming to light that is causing all the death and mayhem.


You went the wrong direction there. The Zygon clearly inflated the grade on a barely C episode.

the way to avoid that allusion is not to tell a story about the Zygons. The decision to do a refugee/terrorism storyline and the decision to write about Zygons are pretty much inextricable

I could not get over that flag and what the fuck it was supposed to be/mean

use of phrase "those people"

It goes out of its way to point out that not all the Zygons are bad, so it can then go on to portray all the Zygons as evil child-kidnapping mother-impersonators. It tries to have its cake and eat it too, in a massively clumsy way.

Given who wrote the ep, I probably just assumed the latter

Did she do something new with her hair too? Generally 100% on point

If I had a late model Scrambler I'd ride the fuck outta it… instead I have a 2003 T-100 with a dodgy carburetor

I remember a Tom Baker episode that had a similar retcon… the beginning of the next episode would always recap the last few minutes of the previous one to bring everyone up to speed, and the one I'm thinking of added footage of the Doctor blowing K-9's dogwhistle to explain him showing up to save the day…

These cliffhangers are so much better than the RTD cliffhangers, which would spend a good five minutes of flaccid footage going over and over how DIRE the situation was, then doing it again, then going over it a third and fourth time to make sure the mouthbreathers in the balcony got it, then going over it all AGAIN