Bobo Chimpan

This makes so little sense to me. Zygons are shapeshifters. Shapeshifting is their racial and cultural heritage. I would think that Zygons would be more upset if they were PREVENTED from looking like someone else and hiding in plain sight.

I can never think of Harry without thinking of the bit in "Revenge of the Cybermen" when the Doctor cries "Haaaaaarrrry Sullivaaaaaaan is an iiiiiiiidiooooooot!" to the heavens

"Jesus mom, if you'd just stopped talking in circles and told me my damn BIRTHDAY none of this would have happened!"

fantastical is entirely okay in sf…

So, did you like the way the police officer had a Mexican flag on her uniform instead of a New Mexico flag? Or is that actually a thing there…?

Somebody killed Liam Neeson!?

his biggest hit came out in 2007

I remember a friend, who was a big horror movie fan but decidedly NOT a Christian, telling me about the time he stumbled on an essay about zombie movies from a Christian perspective, and how he was so intrigued he just had to read it. The take was pretty similar, but with a predictable angle: "Without Christ, all

"Soulja Boy and Britney Spears references will seem dated in a decade"

Still reductive, but reductive in a much more enlightening, interesting and entertaining way than 'collectivism!'

mmmmm, Linnea Quigley…

A friend of mine once asked me to explain the "philosophy" behind zombie movies to her, and the best I could come up with on the spot still seems pretty valid to me.

Yeah, the thesis outlined in the article seems like some straight-up bullshit. Not gonna read the actual piece… because its thesis is some straight-up bullshit

and then… the unicorn

Opinions vary on the meaning of the word "subjective"

Noreen! Yes! As soon as I saw her nose was constantly buried in a book, I wanted to know what book it was… 'cause I'm a lit-geek like that. There was no good shot of the cover until episode 2, but I thought it was such a great little touch— gave her character surprising depths to be reading a dense philosophical essay

OK, yeah. My Googling revealed that CP can be asymmetric (which makes sense for a brain disorder— it can affect only one hemisphere of the brain). So Charlie's CP is only on his right side… which explains why he writes left-handed (I'm a southpaw myself, so I always notice that kind of thing)

And it can cause Familial Fatal Insomnia, which is a terrifying way to go

There's a lot of speculation on this… it's quite possible he's faking it, but I don't think that makes emotional sense with how haunted and guilty he feels. And if he'd told the last guy "I was sent to kill you. If you want to live, get out of town and keep your head down" then the dog probably would've gone with him…

Don't take it personally, we're all getting victimized right alongside you