Bobo Chimpan

Clive's chemistry with the FBI lady was amazing! I don't think I've ever boarded a ship so fast in my life!


Plus she talked to him, with no leverage, after talking to dozens if not hundreds of people she could've offered early releases to and getting shut out completely. There's gotta be a lot of relief and gratitude mingled with response to Blaine's undeniable (eeeeeeeeeevil!) charm

Where I disagree with the reviewer: Ravi is a GREAT friend for showing up in a cowboy outfit and filming her song… Peyton is the BEST for not forgetting her birthday and just being totally understanding and amazing.

Maybe he IS bleaching his hair. Major's white streaks went away when he got the cure…

Not to Peyton certainly. He was noticeably tan when they were talking. Blaine uses his makeup artist to fit into whatever role he needs for whatever situation.

I really don't think Blaine is going straight. His entire plan is to get rid of Mr. Boss— hell, he's the one who put the zombie DA up to it! There is nothing in his current actions that is altruistic, and Blaine + Peyton (Bleyton? Paine? Oh, DEFINITELY Paine…) is a nightmare waiting to happen. Like the most ominous

I feel like that was Major's 'rock bottom.' A good deal less extreme than some I've heard of, but it was a wake-up call… especially immediately followed by Rita's booty call

It was interesting how much this episode worked with ZERO suspense. Jemma goes into the pond with the plant monster, disappears under. Is she alive? Of course, we know she survives because we've seen it. But then she emerges and screams "You're dinner beeyotch!" Her triumph, the emotional resonance of that, is what


Googled "universal rules of gun safety" here's the first page of results:

It's not a 'gangster' thing, it's rule #2 of every single gun safety course

Do the symptoms of CP come and go, then? Because during the scene where Charlie was reading the condolence cards his hands were barely functional, then during the scene with Bear he was writing (left-handed) with little trouble and both his hands looked normal.

Did the mute hitman and his partner come up from Kansas City, or am I misremembering that part?

"The Myth of Sisyphus" is also a philosophical treatise by Camus, spotted as the paperback the lady (Charlene? Darlene?) at the butcher shop is never not reading. It's about the absurdity of existence, and how people almost necessarily make themselves into the heroes of their own stories by simultaneously embracing

"I'm dead either way, why should I dig this grave for you? You're gonna murder me? I'll at least make you dig some!"

There was the one kid with obvious cerebral palsy… then there was Bear's son, whose hands seemed fine in his scene this episode. I'm personally convinced they're too different characters who have a similar look…

Right. At first I kept thinking "even if they go to the police now, it's still just a hit and run… okay, hit and run plus killing in self-defense… ok, hit and run, killing in self-defense, and obstruction of justice… ok, hit and run, self-defense, obstruction of justice, plus destruction of evidence and I guess

and for such a minor infraction… all he wanted was to sell electric typewriters! So he makes a deal with a small-time hood to help him with some money issues. Just bad luck that the hood vanishes and his older brother is a psychopath… poor Skip. Kindofa dick, yeah, squirrely, definitely, but he didn't deserve to be

Snapping a rabbit's neck always reminds me of this: