Bobo Chimpan

I believe most gun training involves "you don't point a gun at someone unless you intend to shoot them." That by-the-book Lou would draw down on a guy pointing a shotgun at him and just let it linger and morph into a Tarantino standoff doesn't match his character. By all rights we should be down a Kitchen.

oh THAT'S what happened there! I almost rewound that bit to see how he pulled that move off

OK, I keep wanting to go back and rewatch the first season… the Fargo syndicate ends up a subsidiary of Kansas City, right? From the first season, we know that Lou survives and that the Gerhardts lose. Or am I remembering it wrong?

If so, it's not just you. I was identifying with his poor sad-sack typewriter-sellin' ass the whole time he was standing in that hole

I felt bad for Skip ("that your Christian name?") too… he just did something kinda dumb, nothing deserving of death! Certainly nothing deserving that kind of unpleasant demise.

That's why the guy assumed it was Isaac and went after him…

ummm… open your eyes yourself, this episode DID get an A-

The fact that Alison has been suggested, even obliquely, as the possible killer rules her out.

Or you could just waltz in 18 hours later and survey the scene, like Noah coming across Helen's scattered clothes, and get the wrong idea about everything. That works too.

the fake suicide! I'd blocked out the memory!

The older son just hates his dad. Is there any among us who can blame any son for that?

I've been saying ever since "Newsradio" ended that Maura Tierney's comic gifts have been sorely wasted. I feel like this episode is a vindication. Absolutely hilarious, and in a way that avoids the cringe comedy cliches of the last few decades. How she managed to make that escalating scene in the beauty salon so funny

It's not impossible, but we've been given no in-show reason to think so…

Except ecstasy, at least from what I've heard, doesn't make people horny. It basically takes the place of sex. My take is that Utopium is like a cross between ecstasy and cocaine, which does, again from what I've heard, make for fucklikebunnies

I was thinking the same thing…

I checked out this ep based on the praise… if this is the best the Simpsons has been in years, I have been wise in not bothering to watch

When it started playing, I wondered if there's some kind of registry or data-sharing among TV producers.

bell-end curve

Except a show doesn't need zero viewership to get canceled… ask the fans of Community, Firefly, Wonderfalls… dozens if not hundreds of other cult shows…

Carrie IS Homeland, the same way Jack Bauer IS 24. Saying Carrie needs to die is the same as saying Homeland needs to end… which maybe it does, but there's no way it goes forward without her. Dickens wouldn't kill off Oliver Twist and keep writing. If we want something new at the center, it would need to be a