Bobo Chimpan

apparently that's Arabic slang for something? Can anyone explain this?

Oh, I buy it. He shot her that one time, he knows she's out to even the score…

ah see, I shoulda read further down before I posted because here's someone making the same point I did, only better and more coherently…

See, that's where I think this time is different and interesting, in that she was hoping her manic self would solve everything but instead she just came up with a wackadoo theory that the Universe was out to punish her misdeeds. I don't see Crazy Carrie being vindicated this time. The title of this episode, as I see

Right? However Carrie's mental illness gets handled, just kind of writing it off and forgetting about it would be the WORST way

"Crimes and Misdemeanors," which you mentioned, is pretty Bergmanesque, as are "Scenes from a Mall" or (especially) "September." The two Bergman films you mentioned are him in a more experimental mode— films like"Through a Glass Darkly" or "Winter Light" or (especially) "Scenes from a Marriage" focus on smaller scale

And white wine vs. rose

You're posting as if the show doesn't realize that. It's only the reviewer who doesn't realize it. As she said in her review of 201, this show loves to throw disorienting and confusing stuff at the viewer. They might seem like flashbacks if you're not paying attention… but they're something else.

She was right about Uncle Max. Never forget that she was right about Uncle Max… she just got the timing wrong

I succeeded in fighting the tears back… I don't see how (the other) Robert managed it

Her whole scene with Alison was such a great example of that— one second scoffing at Alison's naive and cliched desire to "be friends," where she seemed the more jaded and grown-up of the two, the next going on about love conquering all and implying that all love is the same… spoken like someone who hasn't been in

I've loved Whitney from the first! Some of that stems from being a "Bunheads" fan and being psyched to see JGT getting more work…

Confusing… keep in mind that Cole was sleep deprived and coked up, so his memory of the events probably isn't terribly reliable. Could be he met her somewhere else entirely.

Yeah, on the last point. I had no problem with this episode. It didn't feel place-setty or unnecessary at all. The bit where Alison offers to give back the ring, and how in Noah's memory it's such a huge deal and in Alison's it's just a momentary distraction from him worrying about Whitney… combined with Robert's

You forgot? The image of that woman is burned into my mind for all time!

Except, as tvaddict pointed out, at the point in the story where Noah is having these flashes Scottie is still very much alive (as evidenced by Whitney coming by to try and get his contact info) so there's nothing to feel guilty OR terrified about.

BOOM goes the dynamite!


You don't mention any Bergman films, which is what this episode most strongly reminded me of at several points… especially with all the shots of docks and beaches and the waterfront

I thought they over-explained it. As soon as Liv pointed out that the other guy with the same name had killed his father, it all made perfect sense. I didn't need the monologue from the killer explaining what had just become obvious, and the bitter irony of it all.