Bobo Chimpan

Yeah, it just seemed to be a martini plus tobasco

Who was it last week complaining that we had Liv in a skirt and no below-the-waist shots? I hope they're as pleased as I was to see this week's correction.

Not as big as the raise the iZombie wardrobers deserve this week… oh wait, wrong thread

It took me a while to realize they were trying to portray PTSD, because it really seemed more like she'd developed misophonia

I took Simmons' breakdown as a totally positive thing. Like she'd been holding onto all the stress and trauma of her time on whateverworld, and she finally realized she was safe and could relax. Boom, abreaction.

Yeah, that was my take on the kiss as well. Which may not have been what the writers intended, it was how it came across due to the lack of chemistry of anybody even remotely shipping LinSy

I saw that pic before I watched the ep (who has time for more than one syll?) and I wondered who she was… new character? Lookin' DAMN good gurrrrrrrrl!

OK yeah… telling a hospital administrator that you had a rare blood-borne disease would be opening a HUGE can of worms…

His big idea for Iron Man really did seem to be: "Hey guys! All the suits in ONE SUIT!" That was his selling point for the whole series. New suit.

Is she? I thought she just did charity work for the hospital… I have poor marginal-character memory, apparently.

Everything allasudden all at once! I went from one or two shows a week to at least half a dozen allasudden! Can't keep up!

The look of the UFO also seemed to be a pretty explicit reference to "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"

Ben Carson would've pointed to the teller->cashier->waitress and said "I think that's who you want"

But the entire point of the show is: what do you do in the face of a mystery that nobody can ever solve?

The show is definitely portraying the journalist as a villain, which leaves a real nasty taste in my mouth

Nope. Plenty of guys have a thing for redheads. I've always preferred ravens, which just proves that I'm no gentleman

Whether or not she's a hallucination is a key thematic question on the show, which makes it more than just a trope

Still not as bad as Doctor Who

I thought there was some implication that Alison was the one responsible; that she was expecting Noah to cover for her, possibly even take the blame, that she was worried about the lawyer because he might convince Noah to finger her to save himself…

Recall that Cole was depressed, sleep-deprived and coked up. I can totally believe he'd remember it exactly the way he wanted to when in fact he was being creepy and aggressive.