Bobo Chimpan

Of course, in the world of Dr. Who the plan came from nowhere. From our perspective, to find out where the plan came from all we have to do is watch the credits for the "Written By" and we know. Whithouse came up with a plan to make it seem to the audience that the Doctor was dead, which also lead to the defeat of the

That sibling of the bootstraps paradox: the Appointment at Samarra:

Those plant creatures from Trial of a Timelord? Maybe that's just the unsettlingly yonic maw…

It's still nowhere near as bad as it was for a while during the Sylvester McCoy era, where every SINGLE episode was resolved with the Doctor saying, "Oh, this is all the culmination of a plan I set in motion hundreds of years ago…"

Oh! Another bootstraps paradox that bugged the crap outta me when I first noticed it:

I had to wonder if they wrote the episode, realized there was a bootstraps paradox going on, then decided to excuse it by lampshading it… I dunno.

The example The Doctor gave seemed most similar to Tim Powers' "The Anubis Gates," which substitutes a minor poet for Beethoven…

It also would depend on what material the floor was made of, and what was under it? Like, if there was rubber padding underneath the metal it would dampen the vibrations?

turning around would have given away the game. realizing he was behind her without letting him know meant that she could duck out of the way and escape…

g'night Gracy

He didn't kick the jack, though. He kicked the bumper. It looked like he kicked the bumper to me. Am I gonna have to go back and review the tape?


How sore are your knees? How does Dick Cheney's jizz taste?

My take was he was a zombie long enough that it changed his hair permanently. Major got cured fast enough to keep his old color. Then again, Blaine could be bleaching… I have a feeling the show would address that sooner or later if it's true.

If they're gonna replace Peyton with the Rager redhead (do we know her real name?) then that's a substitution I'm willing to accept. Seriously, in that blue dress? YOWZA!

"It's a new blood-borne disease, they don't even have a name for it yet. I'm already involved in a clinical trial working to find a cure. I haven't told anyone except my doctor because it's just so scary…"

I like that gloss… not 100% convincing, but it'll stop me yelling unsolicited white-lie-advice at the screen for a little bit

Would what he did even count as involuntary manslaughter? His biggest crime was not immediately calling the police, which he then compounded by interfering with an investigation… Kicking a car hardly even counts as vandalism. My guess is he takes a plea bargain and gets parole, but I guess we'll never know…

I think in that second paragraph you speak for every single viewer of this show. It's amazing how they pulled that off. I really have to wonder how much it was the writers doing their best with what they had, retooling on the fly, and how much was planned from the beginning…

YM: point-ehd stick