Bobo Chimpan

You take that back about Mack! (He has to stick around at least until we see the shotgun-axe)

Me as well.

That's the way my local PBS station showed them for a while.

Oh, 12 channels 4 on a regular basis. In his talk with Davros he did it several times. It's kind of uncanny and one of my favorite things about Capaldi's portrayal

Didn't Sylvester McCoy's Doctor rewrite continuity by preventing that from happening?

Water is just the hardest thing to do well. Remember the Ent battle in The Two Towers, when they broke the dam and suddenly the whole previously believable full-size set turned into a tiny model?

I loved how Helen's mom was possibly even a bigger monster in Helen's mind than Noah's. I'm really looking forward to seeing Helen's view of her dad.

blah blah fuggity blah. The same bullshit that cops use to excuse buying tanks— if crime goes down, it proves that their tactics work. If crime goes up it proves that they need to buy more tanks. By all means, keep arguing counterfactuals. If the sky were green 2+2 would equal five. Congratulations, your cynicism

Except the first two seasons, what was so thrilling about Homeland was precisely how quickly it dispensed with plot points. Remember that? How a plot point that they could have left simmering for episodes, they'd just blow by it in minutes. How exciting that was? How off-balance it left us?

The first name that Quinn got… was that the scholar Carrie had talked to earlier that episode, or was I over-connection-seeking?

I think it's the "naive" part we're meant to focus on, which…

ohhh the buzzing of the beeees and the sycamoooore treeees/by the chicken-waaater fountain…

Holy hell did that credit sequence suck the devil's cock and gargle his fiery seed

Trent Reznor worshipped kangaroos?

I liked how the "my empire of dirt" line subtly recalled the multiple jokes on the meaning of the name "Earth"

How well does international trade, new technology and tourism help the poorest in third world countries currently?

…except Grant IS a monster!

Watching this episode I was thinking that AJ was the show's secret weapon. Then I realized that Grant was actually the show's secret weapon. Then Tina. Then Lucille. Then then then… Review has more secret weapons than an A.I.M. bunker. Such a deep fucking bench!

Holy hell, I thought I was going to give myself an aneurysm at the end from laughing too hard. I haven't laughed that hard in forever. Oh man. That was great.

My main (only?) point of agreement with this review: