Bobo Chimpan

oh, there's a speculation thread three scrolls down…

Is anybody else wondering about Simmons smearing the mud/clay on her wound? Something coming out at night that can smell blood? Weird alien clay healing properties? Dirty dirty dirty girl?

OK, in the first season people were hating on her for her hair, which everyone deemed too high-maintenance for someone living in a van.

I found the whole review unnecessarily picky. Just extreme killjoy of a fun episode… and it seems like the reviewer gets paid extra for each use of the word "procedural?"


This joke should be sent out to a nice farm in the countryside where it can run and play with all the other played out jokes.

…that said, the way some students apparently understand trigger warnings seems pretty similar to the strawman of it that right-wingers have set up… yet another well-intended idea gone bad…

It's more like knocking on that door and warning the guy you're about to shoot off some fireworks whether he likes it or not, so he better get ready… the bare minimum of courtesy, really

Or Curve if it's a non-Disney Marvel film

[bass drop]
[bass drop]
[portentious line of dialogue]
[extra long bass drop]

I don't think I've ever had duck…

The actual purpose of trigger warnings is not to excuse students from having their feelings hurt, but to allow students with PTSD to prepare whatever coping mechanisms they've learned through therapy or other recovery work. If someone who has suffered trauma reads a description of something similar to their experience

Reading an article about factory farming processes at the tender and impressionable age of 23 is what put me on the road to my current vegetarianism

How are these graphic Bourdain shows different from PETA pro-veg agitprop videos? Is the woman who started this petition a vegetarian herself? Or is she an omnivore who'd just rather not have to think about the suffering her dietary choices cause? These are the burning, unanswered questions this article leaves me with!

See, I was in my mid-30s when "Gucci Gucci" came out and I gave it a listen and absolutely adored it. I thought it was absolutely genius. Some of my friends agreed, others thought I'd lost my mind.

Thank you all for your patience while I work through this (surprisingly upsetting) discovery…


It seemed half the time like RTD required EVERY relationship on the show to be interracial…

It seemed to me that episode two was a lampshading of the fact that Torchwood was "Angel" to Dr Who's "Buffy." The plot is almost EXACTLY the same as the second Angel episode, right down to how they defeat the monster.

My issue wasn't so much the random deaths as the idea that there was nothing they could do to stop her. Because wasn't the whole point of Missy telling them how to kill her that now they could trust they would be safe? Then Missy can just straight-up murder two people to prove a (pointless) point and threaten a third