Bobo Chimpan

totally the president from Rick and Morty, yeah

3 eps in (catching up on this show, having heard all the good stuff about it), I'm thinking that it would be more of a twist at this point if Mr. Robot turns out to be NOT Elliot's Tyler Durden

I didn't take it even as him being out of the closet… I totally interpreted it as a heterosexual man entirely willing to seduce and fuck a gay man if that's what it took to move forward on his agenda

The checking his pulse during gay sex was definitely very "American Psycho"… the reference it immediately brought to mind for me, though, was the rich guy in Mike Leigh's "Naked," which I saw so long ago that I hardly remember enough about it to expound further… just the self-satisfied rich guy fucking someone as an

Yeah, the Springsteen was much less omnipresent this week. Public Enemy too.

The B plot felt like something out of latter day Simpsons

It's ALWAYS been BarenstEin! ALWAYS!

Goddammit Bogart, stop Bird Personing Tammy!

But a cock is a specific kind of bird, making it less pleonastic than it could be… though it would make more linguistic sense as "cock bird"

Which is why Angry Dad is right. DeMorge Brown does an absolutely UNCANNY dead-on Obama impression. The first time I heard it (on Harmontown, no less) I was utterly gobsmacked— yes I said gobsmacked, and I'm not even British, that's how absolutely gobsmacked I was!

The More You Know!

Curing homosexuality? Not even with those gams…

I was laughing my ass off during that last sequence… and there was a little bit of me that was thinking, "OK, this is turning into a cartoon version of itself."

See, I HATED that the first time I saw it. Didn't think it was funny at all, went on too long, self-indulgent… it's since grown on me, only because it's fun to quote, but MAN. I had the same reaction to Jerry's over-long "what is this? 90s nostalgia" spiel. It never successfully rolled over from annoying to funny for

but do you then call them a disgusting monster?

"Franco will play both twins"

That's Big Chief Cool Lester Smooth to you, buddy

Yeah, I still think the pilot is one of the weakest episodes…

That was totally my expectation too, that as soon as they were in the garage he'd kill the other two so he and Rick could plan in secret. It was a little disappointing (though understandable, for the reasons Solipschism pointed out) that he was actually ready to kill Rick at first…

There's no need to fight, true… just sometimes it's fun to look at a baby whose parents you both know and play "whose nose? whose forehead? whose hair?"