Bobo Chimpan

Ah! Yes! There was a weird tug of recognition during the opening credits, and that was it…

Or like the XO in that one episode of STTNG…


I kept waiting for Rick to get blood samples from everyone and poke them with a hot wire…

Was it Buck Angel? Because he's a big hero to the genderqueer/transgressive sexuality community. People love and lust after him far and wide. He made out with Stoya, lucky bastard.

With all the other stuff he does just for the show, he could have easily enrolled in a class for the express purpose of sleeping with the teacher

better legs or better reaction shots?
better reaction shots or better legs?

That was maybe my favorite thing about that sequence— the way the camera moved in precisely the right way to remind you "oh yeah, there are at least two cameramen in there with him." As much a monster as Forrest is, Grant much moreso

Oof. Keep using terms like "tranny" and "hybrid monster" and I'll have no choice but to sic Tumblr on you

iZombie is off season! Surely she doesn't have to maintain the undead bleach-job! Just give us a guest-spot peek and I swear I'll never call you Shirley again!

Yeah, I kept expecting him to say something about raping his father's headless corpse or whatever… Bill pulled back from the full Velcoro

I'd just as soon take a linguist's word on physics

The libidinal exists in the space between a desire and its satisfaction. And I think American culture exists either completely ignorant of this truth, or as an attempt to try and deny/disprove it. (If you try to point it out to anyone, you get accused of being a puritan or an ascetic) See also: Steve Albini's

it was pretty grim, yeah

…and that one of the voices was Harmon…

For me the moment was when I saw him on Mr. Show, doing a similarly over-the-top performance as the farmer in Senator Tankerbell's Joke: The Musical

in its day, Night Flight was what we had instead of the internet

wah-wah bass? Do you even know what wah-wah is? The Seinfeld bass is bonk-b-dunk-b-dunk bass!

I recognized her immediately due to her voice. But her haircut is hiding most of her face, so yeah— mostly unrecognizable.

Tessa and her rapist… it reminded me a bit of Gini and Ethan back in season 1. He likes her because he sees her as this amazing new weird thing— a woman (girl in this case) who unapologetically enjoys sex! And he's so taken with that idea, he fails to see her as a person separate from the fantasy.