Bobo Chimpan

Sex has always been sold, but it was traditionally a more liminal commodity. Either monopolized by religion, in the form of temple prostitutes, or vilified by religion and forced into the shadows. In either case, it was kept outside (or at best on the margins of) the marketplace. (I suspect we're saying more or less

When it seemed like he was all done, then he pulled out the THIRD card!

So you don't see any possibility that the show might subvert that cliche?

Yeah, I'm with beema. Bill was going full-on Walter White— getting so wrapped up in his subject that he didn't notice nobody else cared about it. I've heard that called "captive audience mode," and I think it was meant to reveal more about Masters than his neighbor.

When Bill offered Barton a job, I literally sat up and said "Oh please oh please oh please!"

TOO MANY MACGUFFINS! 1-2 too many characters, 3-4 too many macguffins. If this season had trimmed some of the fat, kept the occult angle to have more a sense of supernatural menace, and given us a better sense of Velcoro and Semyon's friendship, this episode would've been on FIRE instead of a semi-satisfying lump.

I think Thandie Newton actually delivers the line better, though in her case it's wasted on Marky Mark

I'ma be honest here, the ONLY reason I clicked on this link is that I watched "Charade" for the first time the other day and I wanted to see how it fit in with this search engine dealie… which turns out to be nothing other than using that picture.

The reason Walt wanted to use ricin, as he explained it to Jesse, is that it takes 2 or 3 days to take effect and could be mistaken for a heart attack.

During the scene in the desert, I kept wondering "has it been three days? Is Gus gonna keel over from ricin poisoning and that's how Walt gets out of this one?"

I want to thank you, four years later, for that piece of advice. Watching Crawford's Comedy Central special was a great palate cleanser between "Crawl Space" and "End Times." If I'd watched them back to back I probably would have -actually- had a heart attack, instead of constantly thinking I was about to.

I remember hearing that Die Hard 3 was adapted from a script originally written as a Lethal Weapon sequel…

Also where Gini named her plastic-stick-daughter Lisa, which the reviewer points out was Virginia Masters' real daughter's name

Not that hard— the teens are Gini's, the kids are Bill's


beaten to my own humorless pedantry by a full four years…

[humorless pedant]
CO, not CO2
[/humorless pedant]

Is it whoever posts last is right? Grizzly is a kind of motherfucking bear you motherfucking moron.

Oh yeah. It wasn't just you, everybody was talking about 'rubber shot' and I was starting to wonder if I'd lost my mind and/or hearing…

I wondered the same thing when she showed up, but apparently not. Different dame. We're both racists! At least the [Veni Vidi] Vinci Mayor's son and Kumail Nanjiani would say so…