Bobo Chimpan

Did I mishear? I thought he said "riot shot" not "rubber shot"?

It came across as more "Joe From Cincinnati" than Deadwood, sadly

She's also currently writing the "Runaways" reboot for Marvel. GIRL GET THAT PAPER!


Was I looking too hard for connections between the stories, or was she also the missing sister that Ani was looking for?

Ohhh man, that bit where Farrell exhaled exactly the same time as the line about smoke? Ohhh, man

They were very similar to the symbols, yeah. I thought they were the same at first, then I realized they were cuneiform. If nothing else, little triangles instead of little dots

One-sided from the first moment. Throwing duct tape? She DROP-KICKED the duct tape, with perfect aim! One of the most bad-ass things I've ever seen…

FERDINAND! Once again edifying to know that everyone else had EXACTLY the same reaction to that scene I did. He flipped from antagonist to ally (or maybe untrustworthy temporary ally to "OK, he's one of the goodies") faster than a cat could sneeze

That was exactly my take, too. And also going to Shay and kissing Cosima goodbye. She was TCB before the inevitable end. Even the look on her face in the parking garage was "OK, here it is…"

Manipura, the power chakra

Innnnnnnteresting question, that… no? Castor and Pollux were warrior twins, so the answer could be that Castor project contains them both. OR there could be a heretofore unseen group of Pollux clones in another project.

I mean, there's still the Riverlands and the Iron Islands, but Benioff & Weiss seem to have forgotten all about them, so…

AH! Of course! I was thinking Checkov and wondering why…

I was wondering that, reading the review— PP needs a new CEO, and there's a proven tech CEO suddenly looking for new work… Only Laurie Breem would think it was a good idea, but she just might. Imagine Richard having to work for the man who's become his arch-nemesis, while his best friend becomes his new (incompetent)

I'm sure I don't need to point this out to such a savvy group as the AVClub commentariat, but that was based on this actual schadenfreude-laced viral video:

I never felt that way about Game of Thrones… only The Walking Dead (show AND books)

JS practically said "Et tu, Ollie?"

This is the day you newbs should be celebrating— the day the show started spoiling things for book-readers! And the day that you're caught up to most of the cliffhangers book-readers have been dealing with for the past five years. Next season the AVClub can probably save money by only having one review. We're all in

I was really bored by the first half of the ep… glad it wasn't just me. The Sarah stuff was the least interesting, followed by the Shay stuff… I spent the whole time waiting to get back to Helena and Donnie!