Bobo Chimpan

They used up their slaughter budget on the song/torture montage

That and her cheekbones?

I like how this is a reverse of the Judeo-Christian creation story— rather than Eve being created from Adam's rib, Castor is created from a part of Leda. It's also more accurate to genetics/biology: female is the standard, male is variation; man comes from woman.

I like that Mrs. S is now Sarah's mom AND daughter AND sister.

Her attempt at mimicking Alison's perky smile was simultaneously hilarious and terrifying

YES! I was about to express disappointment that nobody had mentioned my favorite line of the episode! Jay delivers.

That was my take too. Roger couldn't find anyone to publish his book, so Jane paid someone to do it.


That was my thought too— that Blaine could easily just re-zombify himself if he wanted to… BUT WHY WOULD HE WANT TO!? Maybe if he thought, "Oh, they've found a cure, so I can zombify myself, zombify a buncha meatheads, then get the cure from them…" (because he has no way to know that there was a limited amount and

The rat bite was a vaccine! That hadn't even occurred to me!

I did NOT recognize that song until the chorus kicked in. I don't think I knew it -had- verses until just now.

mechanically replica— you didn't actually throw a cat off a roof did you?

Well, there's my answer for the minimum requirement for observation. Thanks Sancts!

Never, to my knowledge, been listed as an employee on the web page…

I'm proposing that there are only two states: cat dead or cat alive. The thought experiment proposes, in its reductio ad absurdum, that only an observer would collapse the quantum wave, allowing for a cat rather than an electron to be in a third state of quantum uncertainty. But why would the observer have to be a

The cat observes the fact that the hammer does or does not break the vial. It doesn't have to understand the significance of that event, any more than a person opening the box would have to understand the significance of a live or dead cat.

CONTROVERSIAL STATEMENT AHEAD: "Idiocracy," on the other hand, is completely overrated and skippable

My issue with the thought experiment has always been that the cat doesn't exist as a waveform until the box is opened because the CAT ITSELF observes whether or not the geiger counter went off…