Bobo Chimpan

This episode dovetails nicely with this horrifying story about people on drugs being too dumb to know how to do drugs:

ahh, and there's plenty of discussion of this possibility below…

My prediction is that the judge has revealed himself to be enough of an eccentric (appreciating Big Head's modesty for being unusual in Silicon Valley) that he might just agree with Richard that his using one Hooli computer for one hour is a ridiculous basis for ownership of an algorithm and bindingly arbitrate in

Carla's still on the webpage at least!

Only if he had posted "when first they mentioned the AIDS thingy…"

Show-Melisandre has seen that she and Arya will meet again, so…

I was fully expecting him to follow up with: "You're not eating it, though"

I was watching that, wondering how I'd deal with that situation… then I realized my cats have a good enough sense of stranger-danger that Rudy would never lay a hand on them, and sharp enough claws that he'd regret it if he did.

Felix certainly paid her with Canadian currency, and she didn't bat an eye…

that was certainly my assumption…

Totally an iZombie thing, except instead of eating brains and having visions it's Krystal luring suspects into her nail salon and getting them to open up over a buffing, gleaning clues from the small-talk. Over the course of the series, Krystal learns to listen instead of telling the suspects about her own personal

If they never did anything it would be better

If "nobody gives a fuck" is the way to go, then how do we know that TOS didn't portray a sexual utopia? All kinds of gay sex going on in the background that nobody ever mentions because… of course it's happening, why would we talk about it? Kirk is the odd one out because he's completely straight, which is why we

The AVClub "Other Space" reviews are almost as garbage as Yahoo!Screen, and I have no compunction saying this more bluntly with every review, as the reviewer never seems to notice, respond, or put any effort into making them less garbage.

The only way I can get it to work is as an Android app. Firefox is useless— like watching a slide show. So I could theoretically be watching these shows on my big desktop screen, but Instead I have to watch them on my little phone screen. Crap.

They also reference it in the Momma's Boys episode of The Venture Bros.

This episode reminded me of a CSB my dad once told me:

Laughed my goddamn ass off…

I farted during season 4. It was an inside joke.

what I'm getting is that everybody knew, or had a sense, that things were going to go horribly, horribly wrong and that it would somehow be Russ' fault…