Bobo Chimpan

but she should still totally try girls

Was I the only one watching the blinky ethernet router off to the side the whole time Russ was talking, completely convinced that he was going to spill tequila on it and fry everything? I was pretty close in my expectation/dread, but that router was just sitting there like Checkov's pistol…

Right. Dragonglass or magic steel forged in the country where they domesticated dragons. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the lost secret of forging Valyrian steel involved dragonfire. White Walkers and Dragons (Ice and Fire) would seem natural enemies…

That's the Mormont family Valyrian sword. Jon got it because Jeor had no heir after Jorah got banished.

There's always season 1 of "Masters of Sex"

I hope that whatever they hired Ksenia Solo to do, she'll be able to do it while still walking around naked.

My take on that moment was that Mrs. S has some experience being a foster mother to troubled kids, and just knowing that it isn't personal and showing unconditional love and acceptance no matter how much they act out is something she has experience with. Helena's initial shock, then softening into it was beautifully

"Agricola" was the game. Left me wondering if it was a real thing or a Settlers of Cataan parody.

An interesting and cogent (if not 100% persuasive) argument that would get you ripped a new asshole on Twitter… ain't the internet grand?

I feel like they've made her at least charming, if still largely extraneous to the plot. Admittedly, I could just be getting brainwashed by the short shorts.

So 'ridiculously hot' was always part of the characterization…

They really did a great job of misdirection. I also really appreciated how they trusted the audience's intelligence enough not to pound home the final revelation too hard. Nicely and subtly done.

That would be tragic… unless she followed Peyton's example of short shorts and many pairs of socks

Yeah, that struck me as weird too. Should've been the first clue, but I just wrote it off as lazy writing rather than lazy paranoid delusion

OK, I know that "Community" references are more genre-spanning than specific, but did anyone else get a strong "Strange Days" vibe from that footage?

You know he posts here sometimes, right?

I could tell that it wasn't actually Harmon, but the shots were too brief for me to figure out who he actually was

I should never be forgiven for not knowing what he looks like after hearing him on so many podcasts…

Yeah, I would've pointed that out but I felt I was already pushing the lit nerd card a bit too hard…

The show has peeled so free of anything happening in the books at this point that you could read everything GRRM has ever scribbled on a napkin and have no better idea than you do now. We're all in the dark together here.