Bobo Chimpan

Everybody keeps namedropping Buckaroo Banzai, but so far nobody's pointed out that the mention of Yoyodyne in BB was itself a Pynchon reference. I guess "The Crying of Lot 49" quotes are less recognizable…

Oooooooooooh! You got grammarserved, fritzoid

I would wager that political ideology is much more highly correlated with the urban/rural divide than you seem to think it is

Except Erlich didn't overset his ambitions… after Dinesh gave him a hard time for being a fictional/analogous tooth-cleaning fish, it turns out that Dinesh's dolphin was Erlich's castoff.

Oh thank Jah, I was beginning to think it was going to have to be me!

YOU never did the Kenosha Kid!

Richard's reactions to learning what Russ had done on the couch were KILLING me. The whole sequence was comic perfection.

If they leave out Doran's "blood and fire" speech, we riot!

I found Sam's speech genuinely moving.

Yeah, it's not exactly the good guys winning for once…

Cersei's blinded by her bling?

Yeah, it's not like the one instance of handing Gendry over for money makes the Brotherhood slavers. Slavers keep, train and sell slaves. That was at worst kidnap and ransom.

Are you trying to imply that there's a meaningful difference between homophobia and misogyny currently?

I wonder what Martin thinks of things getting changed in translation indeed… (I will say no more, for fear of being locked away by the Anti-Spoilers Militant for revealing a difference with the books that spoils nothing whatsoever)

I love that Alison gave Jage the drug money in a hot pink gift bag with tissue paper…

Are we sure that Delphine is spying on Shay and Cosima because she's jealous? Part of me suspects it's a misdirect, and we'll soon learn that Shay is some kind of honeypot/agent for a rival faction…

got that right, archie mah mage

Guess we'll just have to deal with it… I imagine Ollie speaking with a British accent now, it helps a tiny bit.

OK, you just added yourself to the "too hopelessly stupid to debate" list. Have a day.

But a near-accidental badass, who is begging forgiveness at every turn