Bobo Chimpan

I was wondering about that too. My gloss was that she must have been anonymously blackmailing the company… which would make sense, especially if she knew what her boss was capable of. They knew there was a blackmailer, Sebastian's job was to find out who it was (which was also why he went through the reporter's phone,

If the mouse manages to eat the cheese without setting off the trap, the mouse is being immoral by trying to circumvent the system. If the fish eats the worm without swallowing the hook, the fish is being immoral by trying to circumvent the system.

I was thinking the same thing about the MR enforcer: they could've waited an episode or two before having him show up again, but the blood-licking was just so clearly a setup that they didn't bother pretending we didn't already know what it meant…

Paintball => Anbed (Abnie?)

Annie and Abed aren't a usual pairing, with the exception of paintball episodes.

Lapari was shooting green balls throughout the last act. I was totally with you on expecting another reveal that never came…

Yeah, that's my exact issue with people taking Venture Bros. continuity too seriously… which is to say: at all seriously

This is actually the first Other Space review that doesn't devolve into near-incomprehensible word salad for at least a sentence. So I'll take it.

The Bible IS a lot less clear on that subject…

"Hey trained SHIELD agents faced with teleporting adversaries, you're all going to turn and face the same direction instead of watching each others' backs, right?"

And never seek closure!

Fitz Ecchi!!!


And Crichton went on to become a tinfoil-hat climate denialist, so…

Incubee, on the other hand, is not

Canada has Mother's Day too, right? This seemed like an intentional anti-Mother's-Day episode, with several examples of piss-poor moms being piss-poor moms, with Helena lampshading one incident.


Yeah, that really bugged me. Took me right out of it. He kept saying "we NEEED to get the bullet out!" and… fucking WHY? Not gonna kill you. Getting it out will just do more damage. Leave it where it is!

My interpretation: Mark burning off his tattoo was a pretty good indication that he genuinely was trying to leave the military stuff behind. But Rudy's not the brightest bulb, so he was able to bluster his way through…

"The brain feels no pain"