Bobo Chimpan

I saw Ran before Throne of Blood. They're completely different eras of Kurosawa — ToB is smaller-scale b&w Rashomon-style, Ran is later-period epic in glorious glorious color — so it's apples and oranges, really.

Quaternary, unless I miss my mark

You want pathetic (with a side of squick?)? If I may be forgiven the next three words: in the book he wasn't just watching the Dany-imitating prostitute from a dark corner— he had her on his lap.

Didn't one of the AVClub commentariat know the actor who played the tech guy?

He has a name! It's 2/3 of Lancelot!

Bump it up the queue. "Ran" is one of my all-time faves

As Monkeylint pointed out, even bastard children of kings can complicate the line of succession. I think it also had a lot to do with Joffrey's wounded pride, perhaps on account of his mother. I'm not feeling the going back and double-checking, but I recall there was some ambiguity as to whether the order came from

Strict adherence to what they believe in, yes. Nedd was about honor, Stannis is about law. Subtle distinction, but one I feel the two characters make pretty clear.

Was I alone in thinking that she was looking a lot like Cat this episode? Maybe it was just the hairstyle, but there was almost a family resemblance going on. Props to whomever in hair/makeup/wardrobe pulled that off…

Stannis also prefers burning due to his allegiance to the Red God. Interesting parallel with Dany's burning whassername, good catch…

The constant commercials for it on this and Community are hard enough to take

The review is terribly written, even for an internet piece. Maybe, like the show, the reviews will self-correct in future installments.

The pilot was -really- rough. Stick with it through ep3, that's where it started clicking for me.

Man, did anybody edit this review? It reads like a first draft written on a smartphone…

After I watched ep 12, I was thinking how they could never satisfactorily resolve the story in one more hour. Well, they resolved it so I was wrong, but it was pretty rushed and weak so I was right.

When I Googled the episode title, my expectation was that seeing Reagan's "evil empire" speech vilifying the Soviet Union and nuclear disarmament in the same breath would get Paige on board. Elizabeth could point to it, "see, this guy's a fucking lunatic. This is what we're trying to stop."

"More feminist crap?" are you for real or is this a troll?

There was also Cal's "Coincidence? I think not"

Yeah, and people complaining about it hasn't become tedious at all

The solution to racism is to be colorblind! Anybody who points out the massive existing racial inequalities is the REAL RACIST for not pretending not to notice it! If everybody just shoved their heads deep enough into the sand we would FIX RACISM! Because the real problem with racism is that white people are sick of