Bobo Chimpan

I got the sense that Bakshi as a high-level HYDRA dude had learned methods of resisting their brainwashing techniques, so the whole time he was just pretending to go along with Ward, in hopes that he'd eventually be able to get loose. Though I suppose if that were the case he'd have turned earlier than he appeared to,

Don't go with it. Join the rest of us in telling him it's annoying and stupid and he needs to stop it.

Could we stop with the 'omgz too much diversity talk!!!1!' whining and get down to the REAL problem with this review?

The AVClub commentariat turned into GamerGate so gradually, nobody noticed!

"Here's one you can take now. You can break this one later. Here's one for the Hamptons. This one I like, I keep. This one displeases me."

Bobbi and Mack were really firing on all cylinders as a duo this episode. That's the team I don't want to see broken up. If Bobbi and Hunter are leaving, I hope Mack goes with them.

It took me a little bit… like "Why am I supposed to care about that scene at the end? It seems like this should be a big deal… do we know that woman? Was that…? Hmm, maybe. So that would make her son…? Ohhhhhhhhhhhh"

Yeahhhh… his origin story is so generic I'm having a bit of a hard time buying it. I'm thinking he might be less of a Piz and more of a Troy? Horrible thought I know, but…

I suspect it was… meant to?

The blogger's name is Anie— short for Stephanie


Sure looks like a gimmick episode, though possibly not a FULL-ON one…

Rhaegal? Eh, so much for my linguistic theory. Maybe Rhaegar is a different declension…

I don't remember if it was ever specifically mentioned in the show. It's all there, though: Drogo and Viserys we both met, of course. Rhaegar was mentioned a few times— he was the one who kidnapped Nedd's sister, thereby sparking the Baratheon rebellion. Robert reminisced with Nedd about the battle where he (Robert)

Moggy? Fatt?

See, I read that as their first year in Law School… though who lives in a dorm for Law School? Hrmmng

He was also a villain in the first season of Arrow

No, that's just a sound they make every few seconds…

(cue endless speculation as to whether Jaqen H'ghar IS Syrio…

A) I think you're right, and I'm not pleased with how they changed Ellaria either… I liked her book role much better… though I guess it makes sense that they don't want to introduce a new location without at least one recognizable character (distant shots of the new actress playing Myrcella notwithstanding)
B) I think