Bobo Chimpan

Thank goodness we live in America, LAND OF THE SPORK!


The one detail we're missing— if Martha isn't having to collect the tapes as promised, who is the Rezidentura's other source within the FBI? Is it Stan's charge?

all you molecular gastronomists and your tarragon mist and your bay leaf mousse and your vibranium-leafed ice cream

That line made me laugh much more than it should have

I think it's very important to establish the concept of the show regularly through expository dialogue… I mean it's only covered once in the opening and then again almost immediately in the credits. They need little quick reminder animations after every commercial break to make extra sure us dummies get it!

Any theories on how she survived having all her guts scooped out by HYDRA? Just that her healing factor is THAT badass?

"RORY KINNEAR: Oh fuck, Javier just escaped! All his intricate machinations are about to pay off! What devious maneuver has just been made possible by all this elaborate scheming!

I hated Skyfall. Hated hated hated hated hated Skyfall.

hehhhhhh, the old "you disagree with my perfect wisdom therefore you MUST NOT UNDERSTAND IT!" gambit. Go far far far away.


It sure didn't for "Dollhouse"…

So your argument that Pastor Tim is going too far is based on him not realizing how bad things actually are? When I said he was right, I meant about the family being dysfunctional. How does the family actually being MORE dysfunctional than he thinks make him wrong?

The number of pastors who have abused their position of authority is much smaller than the number of parents who have abused their position of authority. Viewing anybody who would serve as a check on unearned parental authority as a power-tripping busybody is to abandon countless children to sexual, physical and

In Pastor Tim's defense, this episode revealed the emotional damage Paige has suffered growing up in a HOUSE OF SECRETS. She thought she was crazy. She thought she was damaged. Tim's trying to help her out. That's his job. I'm sure the secret he expected Paige to uncover (especially after his sketchy run-ins with


She said there was a funeral, she never said they buried anything. Or if they did, it might have been an empty casket.

b-but… voice! so! sexy!