Bobo Chimpan

Did you 'like' getting tagged?

as a heterosexual male, I am DEPRESSINGLY willing to let all that slide because she foiiiiine.

Or maybe she'll end up a composite like Echo in Dollhouse. I was wondering that when we saw Marcy, how she had no humanity because she hadn't eaten any brains. Liv maintains her humanity by borrowing it from the brains she eats. Does that mean that with each brain she becomes slightly less herself?

AHH! I completely did not make that connection until now! The voice, of course! Completely different character, different hair, different style… but the voice!

MC John doesn't really seem to know much about lawn care, does he?

It seems like everyone's assuming Frankie's remark means she's gay or bi… am I the only one thinking they're going to throw a curveball and have her turn out to be asexual?

Did I hear right when Coulson was reciting Gonzales' C.V. that the carrier was called the Iliad? Or was that a previous command of his?

He's the best
No-one's ever gonna bring him down

I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me…

Based on listening to Harmontown, I'm pretty sure they WROTE this episode (and the previous two) since the Oscars.

Yahoo-purple cardigan!

Ellis' hard-drive crash was such a loss for comics. He kept saying he'd get back to DS eventually, but…

What does that have to do with anything?

*cries for misspent youth… er, young adulthood… er, thirties*

LIES! That is clearly a Juvenal quote


Are we sure all the other Kriegers died at the end of Vice? It really makes the most sense at this point that Krieger is pulling a Michael Keaton/Homer Simpson and splitting time with his clone

Once again I completely did not recognize the voice until I saw the credits. Unlike Rhys, I went back and listened again and STILL didn't recognize her voice. Maybe if the good doctor pulls out an SG and starts singing in part II…

Someone at some point was talking about how hard teething is, and I distinctly recall my mom saying, "Oh, you just rub bourbon on their gums!"

I'll fight both of you!