Bobo Chimpan

You gotta be faux if you're pre-post. Paging Levi-Strauss (not the pants, man)

They riffed on that in Venture Bros. a few years back…

That's exactly how I interpreted it, yeah. I'd been uncertain, but that was the moment I decided Stan's suspicions were right. Her coolness when Oleg was threatening her just furthered that. She's a spy.

ooh, throwing shade on the computer guy! I hadn't thought of that, but it does make the most sense of any reason to plant such a useless bug…

I thought of it as more parallel to Batty's "tears in rain" soliloquy… or am I just extrapolating too much from the ep title?

That and giving up on the idea of adopting kids. She's not using leverage, she's bending over backwards.

Based on the teaser, which contrasted Elizabeth cutting Hans loose with Philip keeping Martha, I was expecting the episode to continue as a study in contrasts of how each one ran their respective agents… which it was, in a way, but became so so much more

Just wanted you to know we're all counting on you…


ya beat me to it!

I remember during school vacations sometimes going to my dad's office to visit him at work, getting to see his office, grabbing lunch at the cafeteria. They had a mail delivery robot there, which they nicknamed "Little Bo Beep" because it would beep like a backing truck to alert people it was coming through. This was

A trip to Wicker Park's Myopic Books a few years back got me a big hardcover anthology of Le Carre's first five novels. I'm currently hip deep in "A Small Town in Germany," which has no sign of Smiley so far.

and honeywater, no?

Upvoted for the Le Carre reference


*slow clap*

Talbot was supposed to be hilariously funny, and all the Talbot stuff was funny on a theoretical level… it just wasn't even remotely. I can't figure if it's that the actor can't carry farce or if the writing missed the mark, but I watched the whole thing thinking, "I should be cackling in helpless hilarity and instead

Yahoo Screen on Firefox is like watching a slideshow. I almost killed a puppy. The Yahoo Screen app on my phone works fine, but then I'm watching it on my tiny phone screen, which leaves a few things to be desired. Yeah, Yahoo needs to get its shit together even more than Greendale.

See, I didn't recognize the voice until I saw the credits… I think I have voice-deafness the way some people have face-blindness. So when I realized it was him, Lloyd Llewellyn donning a wig and glasses and fake accent was hilarious in retrospect.

The B-plot was worth it if only for Krieger's Groucho impression