Bobo Chimpan

Am I gonna have to be the pedant here?

Yeah, a lot of my experience of the courtroom scenes was noting how different it was from American courts (which I mainly know from TV shows, of course): the wigs, the weird glass enclosure for the defendant, the lack of necessity for unanimous jury decision in a criminal case(!!!). And now that's

I guess it worked both ways: the people who forgot Vasily was in charge of that facility got the shock him showing up, and the people who remembered got the growing sense of doom and anticipation for his and Nina's impending reunion.

will it involve him not wanting to eat the fish heads in the soup because he's squeamish about the eyes?

Yeah, I was surprised they just let him go. I was expecting them either to call in an anonymous bomb threat to get the bomb discovered for a propaganda win, or else put the screws to Todd and make him a resource. Just getting the bomb seemed not to go far enough…

I was pondering the same thing. My conclusion was that the show is already spinning so many different and diverse plates, why not a plotline in Russia?

What stupidity was spouted above? I did some skimming, yeah, but I didn't see anyone agreeing that Vasily showing up was a shock. The discussion above this comment doesn't even touch on Vasily (that I noticed,) too busy talking about Martha and Hans.

I don't think Vasily had much input. Even if he has somewhat redeemed himself, I can't see him having much influence on where Nina ended up…

Last week I watched Baumbach's "Mr. Jealousy," in which Marianne Jean-Baptiste has a supporting role. At first seeing her I was all, "Oh, it's the defense attorney from Broadchurch!" Then she opened her mouth and spoke with such a flawless American accent that I began to doubt it was the same actress. I had to check


It all sounds cockney to us Yanks

I was watching Broadchurch and Agent Carter concurrently — they were
both 8 episodes, airing equivalent eps one day apart — and it took me
WEEKS to realize they were played by the same actor. Both were
maddeningly familiar, but I couldn't figure out why. When I finally
IMDB'd it, I felt like the biggest idiot in the

Maybe he should have put his HAIR in a BUN! Eh? Geddit? Guys? Guys?

UPDATED List of Shows that Kill off Top-Billed Stars:

Fara got fridged

what a sneer of disgust

She was speaking exactly what I was thinking. If the point of killing himself was to keep her name from being dragged through the mud, him doing it using her belt would undermine the whole thing. I was ready to start throwing things at the screen if she'd given him her belt…

Her distractingly large earlobes?

Because it's the only weapon they had handy?

My sticking point: Quinn and the green marine were standing RIGHT THERE. Why did they wait until Fara got stabbed to start shooting? I guess you could say they didn't want to kill any of the hostages, but it seemed more like the writers fudging because they wanted to kill off a main character to raise the stakes